natural insect repellants

As a devoted camper and true outdoorsman, I don’t want to be in constant fear of ticks or other bites that can carry diseases like West Nile virus. We all want to enjoy outdoor gatherings, camping, hiking, and hunting in late summer and fall without biting bugs. By the time I was done with those pesky bugs that ruined my […]

Wholesale Real Estate – Becoming a Real Estate Broker

How would you like to become a real estate broker. You know, the middleman who takes all the profits without having to take any risk. The wholesale of real estate will allow you to become a real estate broker. So what is a real estate broker? A real estate broker is the go-to person for buyers for great deals and […]

Top 5 Addictive Online Flash Miniclip Games

So, 2010 has been a huge year, especially for the gaming industry, with many new titles available and a bunch of brand new games in preparation for release this year in 2011. Let’s take a look at the top 5 free online miniclip flash games that have risen to the top in the last year. Starting at the bottom of […]

The United States of America: the paradise of a traveler’s dreams

The reach extended by the United States over the entire world is almost unmatched. They are considered the most powerful military and economic power and not without reason. Being the most diverse of all countries, the US is home to many exotic tourist attractions such as the skyscrapers of New York, the beaches of California, the natural wonders of Yellowstone, […]

Getting a Mortgage: 5 Steps to Ease and Success

Whether you’re a prospective homebuyer looking to find a home of your own, or an existing homeowner looking for better terms and/or rates on your mortgage, it’s important to know a little more about the process of getting the best best terms, that fits your needs, priorities and situation. Since the vast majority of people use a home loan to […]

Coffee Shop Gift Card Programs

Gift cards can be one of the most profitable items a cafe or coffee shop can offer. These are some of the various questions that any coffee shop or coffee shop owner should ask themselves when implementing a system in their shop. Where are there fees? Hopefully, there are no slip fees or monthly fees. When fees are added to […]

Common pennies for kitchen cabinets

Looks like old Ben Franklin was ahead of his time. With the nation in economic crisis, at no time has the adage “A penny saved is a penny earned” been more relevant. And while it may seem like an impossibility in today’s financial climate, there are plenty of ways to save quite a bit of money when it comes to […]

Good insurance for wheeled bikes

When a student son or daughter leaves home for college, very often parents help subsidize their expenses to some extent by allowing them to include the contents of their student homes and things like bicycles in their own current home policy. . .   This was not the case for a student, who recently had her individually insured bicycle stolen […]