Perhaps one of the most uncomfortable parts of having a cold or flu is the dreaded sore throat, or in medical terms, pharyngitis, which means painful swelling felt in the tonsils, pharynx, or larynx.

A sore throat is a symptom of many diseases, but the main cause of a sore throat is an infection. These infections can be caused by viruses like the flu and the common cold or by certain types of bacteria like strep, mycoplasma, or hemophilus that cause inflammation.

Viral sore throats generally accompany the flu and colds and are highly contagious and spread quickly. Sore throats can also be accompanied by other viral infections such as measles, chickenpox, whooping cough, and croup.

Streptococcus is the most common bacterial cause of a sore throat. This is a serious infection that can also damage not only the throat, but also the heart valves and kidneys, as well as cause tonsillitis, pneumonia, sinus and ear infections.

Pollen and mold that irritate the nose when inhaled and cause sneezing and colds can also lead to a sore throat. Dog and cat dander and house dust are common causes of sore throats in people with these types of allergies.

Pollutants and chemicals in the air irritate the throat and nose, leading to a sore throat. The most common air pollutant is tobacco smoke. Other irritants are alcoholic beverages and spicy foods.

A person who strains to scream and yell, his throat hurts not only from muscle tension, but also from the harsh treatment of the throat membranes. Sometimes a sore throat also occurs due to regurgitation of stomach acids into the back of the throat.

It’s a good idea to see your doctor any time you have a sore throat. It is necessary to determine the cause to rule out those that are serious. In the event that your sore throat is considered to be a variety of the common cold or flu, here are some home remedies that you may find helpful.

For mild sore throat associated with cold and flu symptoms, increase fluid intake if necessary. Hot tea with honey is good.

You can also use a coil or humidifier in your bedroom.

Gargle with warm salt water several times a day.

Lemon juice squeezed into a glass of warm water is good for a sore throat.

The juice of fresh pomegranates is good to gargle with and then to drink.

Add 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide to ½ glass of warm water and gargle.

Consulting a doctor is necessary for sore throat infection.

The most effective way to combat a sore throat is through proper personal hygiene. These are important things to keep in mind. Remember that as always, prevention is better than cure.

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