A priest / exorcist named Albert Gonzalez had been giving Mass at the little St. Paul Catholic Church in Stilo, West Virginia, when he suddenly collapsed. The horrified parishioners rose from their knees and ran toward him. As they congregated around his body and crossed themselves, a physician was present among his fellow church members.

“Call 911!” he said aloud. A woman pulled out her iPhone and called right away. The doctor noticed that his priest was not breathing and performed CPR until the doctors rushed in and took him away five minutes later. Father González remained unconscious when the ambulance roared into the emergency room at the hospital closest to the church. The priest’s stretcher rolled into a corner of the emergency room where two nurses and a doctor treated him until he finally came to. González was given a room where he woke up, but his mind was clouded. He saw a nurse with her back to him and called out to her. When she turned around, she saw that she was wearing a white sheet with two slits for eyes.

“Yes? How do you feel?” she said. The priest screamed when he saw her. “Where is my cross and my holy water?” I ask. But he fell asleep again.

He woke up again. Thinking that he had seen something from the spirit world, he screamed louder when he saw the doctor who looked like a werewolf and the nurse appeared as a green-skinned witch.

“Now don’t be afraid,” said the doctor calmly. “My holy water … my cross …? In the name of the Father, of the Son …!” Nurse Hilda, give him a sedative! “Hilda immediately prepared the injection and injected it into his arm. Father González woke up for the third time. He looked around, not believing what he had witnessed. Then the door to his room opened, but the priest could not see who she was because the sunlight prevented her from seeing who appeared to be a nun.

“Father? It’s time for me to pick you up. The others will be here soon.” He said in a sweet voice. All the priest could make out was a blue cape covering his head. His hands were raised with open palms. Immediately, González crossed himself and said: “Santa María!” The woman who also spoke Spanish replied: “Yes, it’s me, Maria.” But when she came into view, he was horrified to see that her face looked like a skull. González screamed again. With all the energy he could muster, he cried out, “In the name of the Father and the Son …” Then suddenly he fainted.

A few minutes later, the doctor came in and examined him. “Get him ready for heart surgery! We have to go in and repair that blocked artery.” They took him to an operating room where a doctor and four nurses were cleaning him. Once again, Father González slowly woke up and looked around. The team of nurses and the doctor had red devil faces. He looked at the doctor who looked like Frankenstein. “Father, do not faint! We are about to operate on your heart because it has a blockage. We need you to sign this form, we cannot operate it without your signature.”

The frightened father looked at the team with a savage grin and slowly took the paper and signed it. The anesthesiologist took the cup that covered his mouth and nose. The doctor said: “It seems that he signed a contract with the devil.” González heard “contract” and “devil” and his heart began to shoot out of control. But the anesthesia had already taken effect and she fell into a deep sleep. After several hours, he slowly woke up in the ICU. A nurse approached his bed to see how he was doing. I was fast asleep. As a few hours passed, he woke up. The nurse on duty approached him and asked how he was doing. The priest looked at her and saw that she had a human face. He told the nurse that she was “a sight for frightened eyes.” “What do you mean?” “This hospital is full of demons and monsters! In all my years as an exorcist, I have never encountered so many at once!” The nurse started laughing. “Well I’m sorry, but yesterday was Halloween and we dressed up nicely!”

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