Almost every boy on the verge of puberty wants to have a deep voice. There are a large number of reasons that can be put forward to explain this tendency and behavior of young adolescents. The main explanation for guys wanting a deeper voice is the fact that having a deep voice goes down well with members of the opposite sex. It is universally known that women use the depth of a man’s voice as a measure of a man’s health, maturity and masculinity. Some people find it shallow, but that’s how it is. In addition to this, a male baritone is also considered one of the sexiest assets of a man. There have been numerous examples throughout the pages of history that can validate that fact.

A deep voice is also a fabulous gift to anyone who is musically inclined, for if we ever find a man singing extremely well in the lower register, heads begin to bob and the qualities of the singer are recognized and respected. Women are attracted to men, this fact has also been proven with the help of various experiments conducted by David Puts, an anthropologist at Michigan State University. The study proves that men who have a deeper voice have better luck with members of the opposite sex. The Internet is full of stories submitted by users from all over the world. These stories essentially highlight users’ experiences and how they ended up with their partners because of their voice.

Another recent study claims to have tested the belief that men with deep voices have an advantage when it comes to survival. These males are said to be more likely to pass on their genes to their offspring. Men with deeper voices have also been shown to father more children. In fact, the researchers say that voice quality alone can explain nearly 50 percent of the variation in male reproductive success.

Another thing having a deep voice can do for you is earn you a lot of respect. It is a very common phenomenon. If you walk into a crowded room and suddenly hear a deep voice speaking at a high volume, most of the time you’ll stop and listen. Also, always respect and trust a person who has a deep voice. A person with a deep voice has more authority compared to someone who has a high voice. Also remember that a deep voice is almost always associated with power, authority, and a lot of confidence.

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