Why is it important to pretest a questionnaire?

It is very important to have a pre-test for a quiz. Pretesting can help you determine the strengths and weaknesses of your survey or questionnaire. By making your main concern that your pretest has a reliable question format and also good wording and order. By establishing a correct pretest, your quiz will perform better. There are two types of pre-survey […]

Reach a wider audience with social media

Businesses that go on social media to get exposure need to understand that it’s not just to get people’s attention that they can be successful. One factor that is often overlooked is the reach of your posts. Reach is the term social media experts use to refer to the reach of the area in terms of physical distance and also […]

Laundry Business Plan: Sample Layout

These days, most experts will advise you to create a business plan before you decide to take the risks associated with starting a business. A laundromat is often a bit more complicated than other small business models, making the need for research, planning, and clear direction even more essential for entrepreneurs entering the coin-operated laundromat industry. A laundry business plan […]

Health benefits of taking a vacation

Taking vacations allows time to relax and enjoy being free from your daily responsibilities at home and at the office. It’s your time to travel and explore the world. Vacations also bring unforgettable memories that will last a lifetime. Making good memories is good for the soul. You will not only enjoy it, but you will also become mentally, physically […]

How to spot fake Instagram and Twitter followers

Fake it ’til you make it, or so the saying goes. But buying fake Instagram and Twitter followers is cheating, and you will eventually get caught for it. During the last New Zealand Fashion Week, I did research on some of the so-called fashion bloggers. Most had a staggering number of fake followers on Instagram and Twitter. Fake fashion bloggers […]

Similarities Between Playing Craps and Investing

Do you know the difference between playing dice and investing in the stock market? In my opinion, absolutely nothing! There is very little difference between playing craps and investing in the stock market. Some stocks have a high risk factor with the possibility and expectation of higher return, while other stocks have a lower risk factor but also a lower […]

How can I post an ad on snapchat?

post an ad on snapchat Creating an advertisement for Snapchat requires you to have the right content and the right format. The first step is to create a compelling video. You should try to stick to a maximum of 15 to 17 seconds. The video should also have at least five scenes, each lasting 3 seconds, to keep people engaged. […]

How to use Facebook apps to promote an established business or business venture

There are a number of obvious benefits for marketers using Facebook apps to promote their business. One of the biggest advantages that both large companies and entrepreneurs have found is that they can promote their organization or start-up online through viral marketing instead of relying on SEO (which can be a much more complex thing to understand, especially for companies). […]