Open courses: changing the landscape of higher education

Want to take a course from MIT, one of the most revered technology schools in the world? You don’t have to have near-perfect SAT scores, you don’t have to have a 4.0 GPA, you don’t have to pay the $ 50,000 tuition; in fact, you don’t even have to be enrolled as a student. It sounds too good to be […]

Best MBA Universities in 2016

With better career opportunities that provide a higher salary, a holistic perspective on the business world, high-level networks, leadership opportunities, etc., students resolved that the MBA can help them scale their career in one fell swoop. MBA, the most sought after graduate program to persist in the business world, in fact has a wide range of criteria to take into […]

Kentucky Workers’ Compensation: An Overview of What You Need to Know

Workers’ compensation was designed to provide medical benefits and wage replacement to those injured while they were employed. It is also designed to protect workers from diseases developed or contracted due to exposure in the workplace. Each employer is responsible for providing workers’ compensation insurance or insuring themselves. However, certain employees are exempt from this coverage, including: agricultural employees / […]

Olympic Events – Women’s Olympic Basketball Tournament

Did you know … Montreal 1976 Montreal (Quebec, Canada), one of the most beautiful and modern places in the Western Hemisphere, hosted the First Women’s Olympic Basketball Tournament in 1976. Six countries competed for the gold medal, including Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia and Japan. The international match was won by the women’s national team of the Soviet Union (now Russia). Just a […]

6 search engine optimization strategies

This is an article on specific SEO techniques that you can use to achieve high-ranking first page search results in search engines. I have written other articles on SEO and this is just one of those articles. Now, let’s get right into business. Use meta tags This involves putting keywords in the meta tag box that are relevant to your […]

The easiest way to immigrate to Canada

Canada is one of the few favorite destinations for immigrants and this is because it leads the “livability ranking”. The country offers the best medical care, security, education, culture and environment and more to be in the best place to live. The easiest way for those who wish to immigrate to Canada is through the Canada Express Entry program, which […]

Stained Glass and Clyde Barrow

One fall night in 1967, some friends and I, sophomores at North Texas State University, moved to the Campus Theater in the courthouse in Denton, Texas, to see the new Hollywood movie ‘Bonnie and Clyde.’ . That minor but highly popular play had its world premiere there a few days earlier, having been filmed in small towns around Denton and […]

Textbook Book Review: An Introduction to Business

Considering a career in business? Perhaps now is the time to prepare, as the economy begins to recover and jobs begin to return to the United States. Considering an MBA or Business Degree? Do you see yourself in the future as a business manager for a business unit or retail store? If so, maybe you should learn more about how […]

Gibraltar – What to see outside the city

There is a lot to see and do outside of the obvious destinations of Gibraltar city center and even the Upper Rock. Gibraltar has a quieter and less frequented side with natural beauty and views of the Mediterranean that should not be missed. Alameda Botanical Gardens The gardens serve as a lush and peaceful haven from the hustle and bustle […]