A spell to make someone love you: how to turn hate into love

Disagreements and misunderstandings are the result of faulty communication. Repeated incidence can lead people to hate you or vice versa. Sometimes you decide to end all contact between them. In the case of friends or colleagues, it may not affect you. But what about someone you love? It will definitely do. Some just need time to forget, while others never […]

Home remedy for a yeast infection

Home remedy for yeast infection – Looking for a way to treat your yeast infection with things you can do from the comfort (and privacy) of your home? Did you know that you can get some relief from the painful burning sensation of sores and blisters that someone with severe yeast infections may have? So, take a look around and […]

Can you handle the truth?

The dictionary defines the meaning of the word TRUTH as the quality or state of being true. Sincerity, frankness, honesty. It also says what is true or in accordance with the fact or reality. When we ask someone to tell us the truth. Will we really be able to handle the truth? Since the truth is a fact. Do we […]

Canmore – The Pearl of the Canadian Rockies

Nestled between Banff National Park (one of the most visited places in Canada) and Kananaskis Provincial Park, Canmore is a world-renowned four-season destination … a great place! The surrounding wild nature offers stunning views. They made perfect backdrops for Hollywood blockbusters like Dances with Wolves, Legends of the Fall, and Brokeback Mountain. This small alpine town was the starting point […]

What Causes Hot Flashes After Eating?

Hot flashes are the worst. They can come at any time, when you least expect it. For some women, they are so bad that they tend to avoid dating altogether. But for others, eating triggers them. And not just certain foods. Almost each and every type, from every food group, can cause some kind of hot flash reaction. Mealtime becomes […]

Acid Reflux and the Emergency Room: An Expert Report

Do you remember what it felt like to be rushed to that part of the hospital, thinking you had a heart attack, having trouble breathing, and having no idea what will happen next? If you’re like me, I’m sure you can remember the emotions of that particular event (especially the first time it happened). After calming you down with powerful […]

How to tan your armpits

Anyway, why would you want to tan your armpits? If you want to make sure your skin color looks natural, then you should even it out by tanning under your arms. If you want to tan your armpits naturally, the best way would be to do it outside on a sunny day. Lie down in a pool lounge, raise your […]