Cocker Spaniel Digging and How to STOP IT!

Is your Cocker Spaniel digging your garden and making it look like the surface of the moon or an open pit mining excavation? Changes in which you are probably feeling frustrated, upset, and powerless as you watch your puppy do his thing. Digging is a natural instinctual behavior. All dog breeds have a fixation on digging, some more than others. […]

Time to get the best computer tech support

In this paperless age, we are increasingly dependent on computers for our daily work, both in the office and for personal work. Like any other device at any given time, even computers can crash and paralyze all your work. As a result, you will have to hire an efficient agency or individual who can come to your rescue and fix […]

Are Dog Rescue Adoption Contracts Turning Into Leases?

In my ongoing research on dog rescue groups, I have discovered an alarming change that some groups are making in their adoption contracts. A new article is being added to the contract that effectively gives the rescue group the “right” to Get back the dog you adopted to anytime in the future. A rescue group from a puppy mill near […]

Writing Detectives – Pet Detectives

In a recent fiction novel, a neophyte private investigator (PI) grudgingly dealt with pet cases, from finding a helmeted African tortoise to searching for his neighbor’s short-tempered dog. Tracking down these lost pets provided fun subplots, though a writer could also construct a more serious story starring a private investigator who specializes in finding animals. This article defines the role […]

A guide to buying fish and seafood

Online, at your local Fishmonger or Supermarket. What is the best option to buy seafood? At the supermarket They may have a fresh fish counter or a section in the chiller department, they will almost certainly have a freezer department. You may or may not realize this, but all fish starts to spoil as soon as it is killed and […]

Teacup Breeds – Are They Real?

There are so many breeders selling so-called teacup dogs, but are they really the size of a teacup? Teacup dogs are dogs that are small enough to fit into a teacup, which gives rise to the name. They are growing smaller and smaller, because it is believed that that is what people want. Puppies whose size has been intentionally reduced […]

Do thoroughbreds need drugs to win races?

Lately, the headlines have been awash with story after story, attack after attack, about the moral ethics of medicating the thoroughbred racehorse. We have owners and trainers, race officials, and vets across the board on this controversial topic. Is it really necessary to medicate a racehorse and, if so, why? Does the fact that you are athletes predispose you to […]

Benefits of having a hypoallergenic dog

Being around hypoallergenic dogs reduces the risk of allergic attacks compared to non-hypoallergenic dogs; not a big difference, but an important one. Those who want to have a dog as a pet but are allergic and cannot stay with them for long; it feels frustrating. These people may have a hypoallergenic dog that does not spread much allergen throughout their […]

Gifts for dog lovers

Whether you’re looking for something to say “Happy Birthday” or “Merry Christmas,” a dog owner will agree that gifts for dog lovers are always among the most treasured and appreciated. Many times, a dog lover’s gift is designed with a specific breed in mind; Among the various popular breeds that are owned are the following: Beagles Boston terriers Chihuahuas Bulldogs […]

Shar Pei – Stop Biting Training

Dog bite problems can pose a potential danger to your dog and everyone around him, so it is only right that you use the most effective way to get rid of this behavior: Shar Pei training. Although it is definitely not a miracle cure, training your dog to obey various commands is a great way to help him get rid […]