Stop procrastinating with the STING method

Can a simple five-letter mnemonic device help you stop procrastinating? Many productivity experts would agree that a great way to stop procrastinating is to apply the STING method. The letters in STING stand for the following: yesPick a task you’ve been procrastinating on. Tlove yourself. meignore everything else around you. NOor breaks allowed. GRAMGive yourself a reward when you finish […]

How to Record PS3 Games

The PlayStation 3 has many new features that make it one of the most advanced consoles in the world. And it just so happens that one of these features makes it quite difficult to copy PS3 games. You see, the PS3 uses Blu-Ray, which is a new type of disc that uses a blue laser to burn content. These discs […]

Where is social media headed in 2020?

Social media trends to watch out for A social media marketing strategy is on the minds of many small business owners. And if it’s not on yours, it should be! Major platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram are fighting for market shares by adjusting their business models to balance delivering better shareholder returns with improving user experience. As these […]

Tyrannosaurus Rexina and the ethics of creative physics

Apparently, the fossil record tells us that the female Tyrannosaurus Rex was much larger than the male and had to tread carefully during mating season. It appears that the female needed to consume greater amounts of calcium to produce strong eggs, which also contributed to the extra size of her formidable weaponry. The basic design program for this killer dinosaur […]

How to connect with social media influencers and increase your conversion?

Influencer marketing may seem like a new trend. It is clearly on the rise. But what is a social media influencer? A social media influencer is a social media user who has established credibility in a specific industry. And they have a strong “influence” on their followers. Your followers trust and value your opinions, statements and recommendations. A social media […]

Top reasons to love PC gaming

Most of the children love to play PC games. Not only children, even some adults love them too. It should be noted that the games that these entertainment-loving gamers like are not always an easy option to play. Most of them are quite difficult. But as I mentioned earlier, we are all game lovers so we will soon master its […]