Path of a developer. Road to financial freedom

My journey to financial freedom. A story about how I went from having a programming job in Slovakia to being an instructor at Udemy. I talk about the challenges I faced along the way, how I became an independent developer, and how I took a course on Udemy. After graduating from the University, I was working for different companies. I […]

Archos launches 5 Android tablets for the Internet

The Android tablet promises to give the iPad some tough competition. While the iPad was the first commercially successful tablet, Android-based competitors are currently in development and about to enter the market. It is up to market forces to determine how successful Android tablets will be. Archos Internet Tablet Archos is one of the largest companies currently working in the […]

Rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic

Ahhh, the memorable quotes and statements spoken at business meetings, VC pitches, and executive presentations around the world. We’ve all played buzzword bingo before, noting the buzzword of the day (often “du hour”) as synergy, cooperation, and incentive. In my many years as a consultant, employee, and executive, I’ve collected a number of buzzwords I’ve heard in meetings. Call these […]

UMC L216/17B review: Full HD LCD/DVD Combi TV

The UMC L216/17B is a 21.6-inch widescreen TV that comes at a rock-bottom price. For some, this is the first factor they would notice. Surprisingly though, the screen provides excellent performance quality and this unit is a great opportunity for anyone to enjoy the benefits a high quality LCD TV has to offer minus the hefty cost that major brands […]

5 tips to improve the user experience of the website to increase conversions

User experience, commonly known by many as UX, is the process of increasing user satisfaction. This can be achieved by improving the overall usability, efficiency, and accessibility of user interaction with the sites. The user should feel at home when visiting your website. User experience and conversation rate are closely related. If your site’s user experience is great, more and […]

Mobile phones are more than a communication device

Mobile phones entered our life not so long ago. But it didn’t take long for them to invade hearts with their simply attractive features and facilities. Before the advent of this particular type of phones, no one had imagined that a phone can do such wonders. In other words, cordless, cellular, or cell phones are truly an unavoidable part of […]

About that new world order

Men used to speak more freely of a New World Order. This is what was really on my mind when I first heard the word “reset”. Now I hear the word reset used a lot too, along with “globalism”. Wikipedia It’s not the most erudite of resources for knowledge of our world, but many of the basics are there. There […]

Top 10 Artificial Intelligence Apps to Inspire You

Let’s look at the 10 most popular AI applications that manage to harness tons of data in today’s changing environment. SIRI SIRI is one of the most famous artificial intelligence applications. It is personal assistant software for Apple devices, including iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Apple Watch, and AppleTV, that works as an intelligent knowledge guide to recommend, answer questions, and […]