Why Nainital is the best place to visit in summer

Nainital is a year-round destination, but the ideal time to visit is between the months of March to June. These months make up the summer season on Nainital and are generally considered pleasant for day bums. Sometimes, especially during the months of May and June, the average temperature at this time varies between 10 degrees Celsius and 25 degrees Celsius. […]

Hotels in Boston USA

Boston is one of the richest, most historic, and most influential cities in the US The city boasts nearly 2,000 restaurants and 62 historic landmarks. Boston was once ultra-conservative, but developed a progressive culture and is now one of the most popular tourist spots in New England. The city receives around 16 million tourists a year, which makes it one […]

Caribbean Resort Hotel Gambling

You may have heard of the fabulous Caribbean resort hotel casinos, which combine the excitement and glamor of Las Vegas with the magnificent beaches and tropical atmosphere of the Caribbean. Along with high-tech slot machines and table games, Caribbean casinos offer nightlife options such as discos, dance clubs, and bars. Perhaps the most famous casinos are in the Bahamas (although […]

"Locating" Our restaurant menus: is it possible?

What is “locate”? Is it even a real word? Well, it is now. 2007 was the year of the “Locavore”. The Oxford English Dictionary chose it as their word of the year. The “Locavore” movement encourages consumers to shop at farmers markets or even grow or pick their own food, arguing that fresh local produce is more nutritious and tastes […]

Start a homemade pasta making business

Start a homemade pasta making business The first thing to know if you are starting a homemade pasta business is the basic process of making fresh pasta. This type of pasta is made with fresh ingredients and has a shorter shelf life compared to commercial or dry pasta. Making fresh pasta is better because the business owner can tailor it […]

What to do in Tel Aviv

Sea sand Probably the main attractions for many tourists in Tel Aviv are the wonderful beaches and the sea. The beaches and shoreline stretch from the harbor to Old Jaffa (over 5km) and are right outside the hotel for many guests. Watersports Why limit yourself to the beach and swim? There are many excellent facilities here for windsurfing and sailing […]

The Bahamas: All-Inclusive Resorts and General Tourist Information

One of the most popular destinations for all-inclusive vacation packages is the Bahamas. The Bahamas are a series of twenty-nine islands, hundreds of keys, and thousands of islets that are collectively located in the Atlantic Ocean north of Cuba and southeast of Florida. There are many tourist centers on the main islands; about 50 percent of the Bahamian workforce is […]

Myrtle beach here we go

Whenever our family is planning a trip to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, it’s like the night before Christmas all over the house. Usually we start packing like former Baltimore football team the Colts. Under cover of darkness we loaded the vehicle with fishing gear, coolers, luggage, some sandwiches and lemonade. Even though it’s only a 7 hour drive from the […]

7 American diners to eat before you die

The restaurant is as much a part of the American experience as baseball and the SUV. Sure, they serve more grease than a garage, but there’s nothing like the convenience of pulling up a chair in a classic restaurant after a long car ride. So grab a napkin or two and come with us as we explore. 7 American diners […]