History and Background of Hot Stone Massage

Introduction Massage is perhaps the oldest form of practical healing known to humans, easily predating written records. For millennia, people from virtually every culture have used a combination of touch, heat (thermotherapy), and stones as therapeutic tools. It’s pretty safe to say that almost every culture has used heat and/or stones to have some kind of healing effect on the […]

Home Security Checklist – 10 Simple Steps to Secure the Interior of Your Home – Home Security

Homeowners can stop most residential Break and Enters (B&E). B&E crimes are mainly perpetrated by unsophisticated criminals who take advantage of immediate opportunities. Unfortunately, the opportunities provided by the owners themselves. Specific things (opportunities) the potential offender is looking for: 1) Homes that appear vacant (ie homeowner/vacation renter) – unmowed grass, newspapers stacked on front door, backlog of mail, no […]

9 Deadly Business Mistakes!

The following is a list of nine things you want to avoid at all costs. Any one of them can literally destroy your dreams and financial goals! 1. Trade with money you can’t afford to lose. One of the biggest obstacles to successful trading is using money you really can’t afford to lose. Examples of this would be money that […]

Who Invented Softball?

Who Invented Softball? Although one man came up with a version of the game in 1887, another modified it in 1895. A young gentleman from Chicago, George Hancock, is considered the game’s inventor. Minneapolis firefighter Lewis Rober also made great strides in shaping softball history. At first On Thanksgiving Day 1887, a group of alumni from Harvard and Yale universities […]

How do you do laundry in an RV?

Living in an RV full-time presents many challenges, and laundry can be one of them depending on your budget and needs. While leaving the house behind and living on the road generally reduces your household chores and frees up more time to do the things you enjoy, doing laundry may be an exception. We personally have three children with us […]

Shedding new light on the shadow land of the universe

We live in a mysterious universe, most of which we cannot see. What is it made of and has its composition changed over time? Starlit galaxies, galaxy clusters, and superclusters are embedded within invisible halos made up of transparent material that scientists refer to as the “dark matter.” This mysterious substance creates a huge, invisible structure throughout space and time: […]

What is URL redirection?

URL redirection, also known as URL forwarding, domain forwarding, and domain forwarding, is a technique for making a web page available under many URLs (Uniform Resource Locator) on the Internet. For example, you have a company named ‘My Company Pvt. Ltd’ abbreviated as ‘MCPL’, now your customers can try to reach your company home page using various links like http://www.mycompany.com, […]

Optimal value chain: effective value creation and capture strategies

How do companies create, deliver and capture value? What is the nature and function of effective customer relationship management? What are the critical phases of the Value Chain? What are some of the policy implications of the Du Pont model in formulating effective pricing strategies? These policy questions relate to the optimal value chain model of a business enterprise: the […]

Costly mistakes that could ruin your ATV

Your ATV is not just a toy; it is an investment for business or pleasure. However, one mistake could ruin your ATV and become a liability. By spending a small amount of time learning about the most costly mistakes you can make with your ATV, you’re protecting your investment in a big way. Forget the air filter The air filter […]