Would you spend $1,000 on a smartphone?

Apple is ready to launch its highly anticipated iPhone 8. The phone will reportedly have all kinds of new features and a new design. It will take your device to a new level in appearance and performance. The price could also take an iPhone user to a new level. Apple’s 10th anniversary phone could cost you a thousand dollars or […]

Tomatoes – Jewels of the Garden

Tomatoes are the jewels of the garden. There’s nothing quite like a juicy, ripe tomato picked at the height of its growing season, mostly summer through fall. Did you have a bumper crop of tomatoes this year? Do you sneak out at night to leave grocery bags of ripe tomatoes at your neighbor’s door? Are you at least leaving them […]

The history of craft beer is impressive

Ruhstaller Beer of today represents itself as a revival of the Ruhstaller Brewery of the late 1880s, both of which have a heritage of Sacramento beer and hops. But the similarities continue between past and present with the strong commitment to locally sourced ingredients and quality. Today’s Ruhstaller’s has a California ingredients list that shows almost exclusively California sources. Ruhstaller […]

How to get an abused woman to trust you

Domestic abuse has been rampant since time immemorial. The recent spike in spousal abuse is also not an indication of anything good. These women are abused for absolutely no mistake of theirs. They have to endure this abuse almost in silence and some lucky women get someone to help them. The rest of the battered women are always left to […]

Will smart home automation change modern life forever?

Smart home automation is rapidly gaining recognition among consumers around the world. In today’s age, much emphasis is being placed on technologies that make daily life convenient, fast and easy. Automation is one such booming technology that is seeing advancement in terms of innovation and applications at a supersonic rate. Home automation or smart home technology involves the mechanization of […]

Conflict follows the emotional path of least resistance

Have you ever stopped to think why you respond to conflict the way you do? This is not just interesting information, but very valuable information for anyone encountering conflict in their life… oh yeah, that’s ALL of us! I don’t remember where I read this information, or I would give it due credit, however this is very good, I just […]