If you’re into green cleaning and want to stop using harsh chemicals in your home, you’re better off turning to safer solutions. There are quite a few options that you have as people have found the use of some 100% safe and natural products. The best part is that you probably already have these around your house, maybe you just didn’t consider their cleaning prowess. The following is a guide on how to use some of these green cleaners with great success:

  • Baking Soda (Baking Soda) – If it’s household cleaning that interests you, then baking soda should be high on your list of solutions you use around your home. In fact, you may want to reconsider the uses of baking as a mere ingredient that you use in your culinary endeavors. It works wonders with its deodorant qualities, as it absorbs unpleasant odors from the fridge, carpet or mattress. Put baking soda in a cup and leave it in your fridge, or sprinkle a generous amount on your carpet or mattress and see what a difference it makes. What you can also use baking soda for is to remove stains. Mix a paste of water and baking soda to clean tough stains on your sink, stove, countertop, or pans. You’ll find that baking soda also works wonders for unclogging drains when combined with vinegar.

  • White Vinegar (Distilled): Vinegar is another green cleaning solution to use around the home. One notable use he sees is descaling the bathroom or kitchen. Instead of spraying with some harsh chemical, you can use vinegar. Spray directly on the problem area, let it sit for a while, then wipe off. You can even use it on your shower head when it gets too dirty. Tie a bag of vinegar around it and let it sit overnight. Rinse, and you will find the article as new. Vinegar is also a great way to neutralize unpleasant odors.

  • Lemon Juice – In addition to using it on your fish, lemon juice can be a wonderful cleanser. It contains natural bleaching agents that, unlike traditional bleaches, won’t give you a dizzy head. It’s also a great way to sanitize your cutting board and garbage can. Rub the area with half a lemon and add a little salt as a scouring agent. You will find the area not only clean but also refreshed with a pleasant aroma. You can brighten your whites with a cup of lemon added to your wash load.

  • Washing Soda Crystals: The thing about washing soda crystals is that they are biodegradable, come with no bleach, phosphate, or enzyme content, and are therefore 100% safe to use on fabric. Washing soda is a great option if you don’t want to use harsh chemicals. It’s a decent solution for ink, blood, grass, coffee, and red wine. You can apply to fabric and non-fabric stains such as pans, cutting boards, and mugs.

All these 4 cleaning solutions work wonders in your home. Be sure to make the most of them during your cleaning rounds.

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