Are you dating someone new? Could it be a serial cheater? Before you start imagining your future together, it’s important to look for signs that a relationship may or may not work. The most important indicators of relationship failure are those of cheating.

Whether you are a man or a woman, if you identify with at least two of the seven signs, you may not realize that you have the potential to be unfaithful. If you are a cheater and you don’t want to be, pay attention to the following list. If you answer yes to most of the seven signs, seek counseling. You can stop falling victim to your thoughts, role models, and old habits if you want to.

Here are seven signs of a serial cheater:

1. Cheaters love danger.

Cheaters love to race fast cars, jump out of planes, or try to pull teeth out of a live shark. Dangerous activities give you an adrenaline rush. All of life is a conquest, including desirable women. Part of the adventure of being a cheater is not getting caught. He likes to live dangerously, however, sometimes he gets caught and then tests his ability to come up with a believable lie.

2. His friends cheat.

Cheating is not wrong in his world, because in his mind, all the world traps He is surrounded by people who act and feel like him. They share stories of how to be more successful in their cheating adventures.

3. A cheater dates many women.

A cheater keeps old girlfriends in suspense and considers them his best friends. He may still be helping them financially. He likes to be with women and needs their attention. Long after he says an old romance is over, you may still have your intimate moments. He doesn’t consider cheating on his current girlfriend because, in his mind, this is just a friend

4. Close relatives were unfaithful.

Cheaters run in families. One or both of her parents cheated on her when they were in a committed relationship. You may also be close to uncles, cousins, siblings, and grandparents who had affairs outside of their marriages. Their important role models did not honor fidelity. They may have even put him in a place where he had to lie for them to cover up what they were doing. This has led him to believe that there is actually nothing wrong with cheating.

5. A cheater thinks he is more desirable than most men because he has so many women in love with him.

A cheater is a master at picking out needy girls and making each one feel like she’s the one he loves. If she is emotionally vulnerable, financially desperate, and has a weak sense of self, she believes you. Her self-esteem and emotional survival are based on several women declaring her unconditional love for her. She considers herself a maverick and a rule breaker, and having only one girlfriend is for “other” people. In the love department, he views himself as superior. Detached, but emotionally demanding, he communicates with each girl often and on a regular basis.

6. He has a history of cheating.

Will your date be a cheater? If you want to know if he will be faithful to you, ask him if he has ever cheated on you, ask his friends about his past relationships, and pay attention to his past. If he has cheated on his ex-wife or girlfriend more than once, he will probably cheat on you.

7. Cheaters have been in the dating/mating game for a long time.

A cheater has a lot of experience with women. To say that his conquests number in the dozens, if not more, is probably too modest. Before meeting you, you can count on him repeating his seduction pattern many times.

If you don’t want to date a cheater, see if you are attracted to men with this profile. If so, look in your history to see what makes this behavior tolerable for you. Do you identify with any of the above descriptions? Have you suffered abuse in the past? Do you have some self-destructive habits that prevent you from feeling proud of yourself? Do you have financial problems and don’t know who to turn to? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are vulnerable to dating or being in a relationship with a cheater.

However… there is hope for cheaters or victims of cheaters. You can choose to change your patterns today. Nobody says that this life is written in cement. By finding the help you need, you can create a life you love. Remember, you deserve it!

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