Since September 11, 2001, I have wondered how most Americans would respond to magician David Copperfield’s proclamation that he could make the Empire State Building disappear from downtown New York City. I mean, he made an elephant and a Boeing 747 disappear, right? Or was it mere wishful thinking or sleight of hand, which made it seem, to many people, that a very large mammal and a very large aircraft disappeared from view? Common sense tells reasonable people that Copperfield couldn’t really make a huge Boeing 747 disappear from an airport tarmac. It would be scientifically impossible unless Copperfield could perform supernatural feats, which he cannot. The same applies to a massive elephant. Copperfield made it seem to his audience that the plane and the elephant disappeared. It was certainly entertaining, but most of those who watched, except for small children, realized that this was it, entertaining hoax.

Let us now extend this example of sleight of hand to a 450,000 pound Boeing 767, with its 32,000 pound engine assemblies, which crashed into the 94th floor of the North World Trade Center tower at approximately 450 mph. What would happen to the Boeing 767, and what would happen to the 100-story WTC Tower, if man-made variables were not involved? The aircraft would produce a large amount of debris as it would create a kerosene jet fuel fire that would not burn hot enough to incinerate the 32,000 lbs. of titanium, steel and nickel containing engine assemblies. These engine assemblies would either remain in the North Tower with the fuselage and fuselage on fire, or fall to ground level, but would not disappear in the ensuing kerosene fire. They would remain intact. As far as the North Tower of the WTC is concerned, the interiors from the 93rd to the 99th floors would be devastated, but the steel-reinforced columns supporting the building’s structure would remain intact to prevent the building from collapsing. The columns and beams were designed to withstand such a collision. The aluminum wings and fuselage of the plane would not cut through the steel columns. It would be like the hand game of rock and scissors; scissors cannot cut rock. Both World Trade Center Towers were designed to withstand a plane crash 40 percent greater than that produced by a Boeing 707. Thus, an interior section of the North Tower’s 100th floor, floors 82-86, would likely look badly affected by the shock in flames. but the remaining sections (from ground level to 81st floor and from -89th floor to -100th floor) would be unaffected by the crash and would stand firm. This is how the Towers were built. Let us now turn to the cunning sleight of hand that was performed on 9/11.

The federal government told the American public, on television and in the “9/11 Commission Report,” that the jet plane that crashed into the North Tower of the WTC, and the fire it caused, caused the collapse. of the entire North Tower in free fall speed identically to controlled demolition. Most of the people who saw the television coverage of the accident at 8:46 and the subsequent collapse of the Tower at 10:28 initially believed that the accident and the burning floors of the Tower caused the collapse of the entire Tower. Tower. Yet that was the prestige, or illusion, that most of the public superficially bought as fact from what they saw on television and the Internet. However, it was a mere hoax, because what actually brought down the North Tower was what brought down the South Tower earlier at 9:59. Large amounts of explosive nano-thermite had been carefully planted in both Towers long before, producing the deafening secondary explosions that occurred 42 minutes after the airship crashed into the North Tower and 56 minutes after it crashed into the North Tower. against the North Tower. South Tower. The federal government assumed that the time between the accidents and the latent collapse of the Towers would lead the public to believe that the accidents and fires had caused the failure of the building materials. But the facts clearly revealed that the enormous amount of dust and debris created in the collapse of the North and South Towers was discovered, through independent investigations by physicists from several major universities, to contain significant amounts of nanothermite residue, which would only have been present. if nanothermite explosives had been used in the controlled demolition of the Towers.

Just like the scientific impossibility of David Copperfield making the elephant and the Boeing 747 disappear, it was equally scientifically impossible that those two jet-powered craft (they weren’t airliners) had caused the WTC North and South Towers to collapse in a manner identical to controlled demolition. Had they been jet planes, much more aircraft wreckage and debris (up to 40,000 pounds of engine assemblies) would have been left with the collapsed buildings. If it hadn’t been for the fact that the federal government botched its deceitful conspiracy by allowing true irrefutable evidence to be revealed on 9/11, it would have been much more difficult to persuade the reasonable-minded American public that the feds had lied about what really happened on 9/11. 11 of September. Incriminating irrefutable evidence made its television debut when WTC Building 7 collapsed in an identical manner to controlled free-fall demolition at 5:21 pm, on that tragic day. The federal government did not bother to mention the free-fall collapse of the 47-story WTC Building 7 in the “9/11 Commission Report,” but instructed the federal “National Institute of Standards and Technology” (NIST) to create a ridiculous report about its total collapse in free fall, attributing the cause to 2 controlled fires on two floors of the 47-story building. You see, it was scientifically impossible for all the floors, all the beams, and all the columns of the huge skyscraper to collapse all at once, at the exact same moment, for total free-fall collapse without the use of massive explosives to bring the skyscraper down. . their own footprints by implosion. Controlled fires on two of its floors would have only caused a partial angular collapse, to one side, which would have allowed a large part of the building to remain standing. So say more than 1,000 eminent architects, engineers, and physicists coming together as a 9/11 truth coalition with Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. The ridiculous NIST report on WTC Building 7 was truly ridiculous when all the facts were considered. After the report was made public, which definitively stated that Building 7 had not been remotely demolished with the use of explosives, Richard Gage, president of, asked NIST in a formal letter if they had conducted tests on search for nanothermite explosives. NIST responded to the letter by saying that they had “no” tested explosives. So here was a federal agency of supposedly respectable physical scientists who made a statement to the public without the empirical evidence to back it up. It was a routine of smoke and mirrors to keep the American electorate fooled.

In 2004, there were more than 160 families of 9/11 victims who were totally dissatisfied with the findings of the 9/11 Commission, a political stunt that cost American taxpayers more than $100 million. San Francisco attorney Stanley R. Hilton filed a class action lawsuit, representing the families of these victims, against the George W. Bush administration for criminal racketeering and allegedly had substantial physical evidence and federal witnesses to show that 9/11 was a federally orchestrated conspiracy. The feds ordered major media outlets not to publish the lawsuit, and Hilton claimed that federal agents disappeared his witnesses and robbed his office, taking valuable evidence after the lawsuit was filed. Hilton was not and is not a fool. He has a JD and a PhD, and worked to form Sen. Bob Dole in Congress. Hilton claimed that he was “ordered” by federal judge Susan Illston to drop the lawsuit, but he refused. Hilton wanted the federal class action lawsuit to go to trial on the merits of his case. Illston ultimately dismissed the lawsuit on sovereign immunity grounds, which essentially declared that a sitting US president can commit murder and not be held accountable for it in federal court. He can only be impeached while he is president. Was this a flagrant judicial act of federal fascism? Perhaps much of the national electorate was unaware of the facts of this trial. But now you know. The relevant and material facts pointed, and continue to point, to the truth of the matter; that 9/11 was planned and executed by the federal government to scare the People of the Republic into supporting the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, to ​​impose the unconstitutional Patriot Act to denigrate the sacred Bill of Rights and to imperialize the Middle East through through the US military.

The Apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 13:11: “When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I thought as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.” Is it not time that all men and women of reasonable mind, members of the electorate of the Republic, put childish things aside and acknowledge the conspiratorial sleight of hand proposed by the federal government on 9/11 to make them believe a lie and suffer? ? moral, political and economic condemnation for believing it? Only children believe in things that are scientifically impossible in terms of what human beings can and cannot do. As the wise King Solomon proclaimed as an eternal truth, “Justice exalts a nation, but sin (crime) is an affront to any people.”

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