Foods that promote weight loss: peanut butter, green tea, almonds and beans

There are certain foods that promote weight loss when eaten. The most important factor in losing weight is your diet, above exercise and above supplements. In this article I will describe healthy foods for weight loss. The reason these foods work is because your body burns calories digesting food. Certain foods require more calories to be burned to be digested. […]

Lose facial fat – 6 facts you should know

If you have a slim body but a fat face and you try to do exercises to lose facial fat in the wrong way, it can cause a lot of problems to your health. You may have dark circles and sunken eyes The appearance of dark circles around the eyes or the appearance of sunken eyes can be directly related […]

Diets, exercise, health and weight loss

A square. Stop thinking about diets, diets, diets, diets, fad diets, latest fad diets, celebrity diets, diet pills, diet plans, diet programs… ad nauseam… literally! A diet is simply what you eat! Your diet may consist of chocolate donuts or alfalfa sprouts, but most “Diets” with a capital “D” won’t set you free. Instead, they lock you in a cage. […]

What is the best cardio for weight loss?

Another very important aspect of a healthy weight loss plan is regular physical activity and exercise. The exercises provided the extra stimulation to burn excellent calories, build lean muscle, and tone the body, all of which healthy eating simply can’t do. The first hurdle most people face when trying to lose weight is the age old question: What is the […]

Attend any local race, watch coverage of running events or listen at sporting goods stores… runners will commonly discuss and compare their “pace”. At the heart of any length race, whether it’s 5K, 10K or 50K, is pace. Pace can make or break a runner’s performance. To the casual observer of the event, the runners simply race through a mass […]

weight loss in the belly

Wondering how to achieve weight loss in the belly? Don’t ask me any more… I’m going to share with you in this article how to do it. I’ll give you some diet advice and I’ll also tell you about an exercise that’s great for your entire waist area. If you’re sick of having too much fat on your stomach, read […]