Safety Considerations for Plyometric Workouts

Plyometric exercises are explosive movements that use force and speed to generate power. Imagine Coby Bryant or Michael Jordan jumping to dunk, plyometric training, at least in part, makes it possible. Since they are high-impact and explosive, they present their own “brand,” so to speak, of training safety mandates. After all, you’re hitting the upper and lower body. Unlike other […]

The value of a simple cucumber

Most of us don’t think much about cucumbers. They taste good and make a nice addition to a salad or even a sandwich, but do they matter? I bet they are, or they can be! Cucumbers contain most of the vitamins and minerals you need every day: vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, folic acid, vitamin […]

3 day diet – lose weight fast for a special occasion

Do you want to lose weight fast? A 3 day diet is perfect if you need to lose weight for a special occasion, like a wedding, graduation, or even a job interview. Depending on how much you weigh now, you can lose five to seven pounds. This weight loss can help you look great on your special day because your […]

vegan bodybuilders

Vegan bodybuilding: what a dichotomy. Vascular monstrosities feasting on raw broccoli. However, achieving an ideal shredded muscle mass physique as a vegan is possible. The focus on an orthodox bodybuilding diet is heavy meat consumption. Meeting your daily protein intake this way is easy. Milk is also successfully used during bulking phases. Contrary to popular belief, vegetables and greens contain […]

The many benefits of an exercise trampoline

The need to exercise has become more than evident, with the increase in obesity and health problems throughout the world. However, the good thing is that with some consistent exercise, you can easily keep your health in check. Aerobic exercises are usually the best option to stay healthy and fit at the same time. But exercising in the comfort of […]

PMS: Plagued by PMS? Try the calcium!

At last, there is hope for millions of women with PMS. Researchers have found that a regular intake of calcium can reduce PMS by up to 60 percent. It’s a problem that has baffled doctors and worried women. Symptoms that occur a week or two before a woman’s menstrual periods. While these symptoms usually go away after her period starts, […]

Weight Loss Strategy: Conquer Your Diet One Meal at a Time

It’s hard to wake up one morning and be a completely different person. Yet that’s exactly what we’re asking of ourselves if we make a New Year’s Resolution to lose weight and hope to start “on Monday” doing everything straight. Depending on what your starting point is, that could be a LOT of changes at once! Set yourself up for […]

Top 10 Tips on How to Stay Motivated During a Juice Fast

one. Learn all about juice fasting for weight loss before anything else Do some diet research before committing to anything. Try to understand its purpose, its benefits, and exactly how it works in the body so you know if this is something you’re ready for, physically and mentally. Do not start a diet unless you intend to follow it to […]