Fundamentals of Agency Law

“Hello, my name is James…James Bond and I am…well…a real estate agent.” In the greater Vancouver area there have been a large number of famous real estate agents at any given time, at least famous by name.. In addition to James Bond and, of course, my own last name (‘Frascati’ is one of Italy’s famous wines, as well as Rome’s […]

Buying a Home or Property – Title Searches

In real estate terms, a “title” refers to a guarantee that a person actually owns the residential or commercial property described in a deed. “Title” can also refer to the person’s rights to the land as the owner, such as rights of use. Disputes over ownership can lead to what is called a “title search,” which is when a person […]

Receive a degree in natural health from an online degree program

There has been a shift in focus among the general population regarding health care and conventional medicine. Instead of relying on surgery and medications, more people are turning to natural health practitioners for the treatment of chronic diseases and conditions. Holistic or natural medicine is also becoming increasingly accepted among practitioners in traditional medicine fields as emerging studies show the […]

New Book Shows Incredible Benefits of Listening in Business and Personal Life

How Much Does It Cost You Not to Listen?: The Power of Understanding to Connect, Influence, Solve, and Sell by Christine Miles is a true tour-de-force that puts listening first as the true secret to successful relationships in all life aspects. Christine provides examples of how listening to customers can help salespeople, how listening can repair relationships, and how listening […]

University of Phoenix Online: The Best Option to Earn Your Degree Online

University of Phoenix Online (UOP) is one of the largest online universities that offers various online degree programs covering almost all professional fields. Over the years of service, UOP has earned a very good reputation for educational teaching and excellent student service. What makes University of Phoenix Online so special? How will you benefit from the online learning features offered […]

I salute the Globalpinoy nurses

Every Pinoy, for sure, knows of at least one nurse planning or already working abroad; be it a relative, a friend, an acquaintance or a neighbor whom you see walking in white, from time to time. I call them the White Hustlers, no not the White Walkers, although they sometimes look like zombies after covering multiple shifts at the clinic […]

The history of infidelity in ancient cultures

Cheating and infidelity have been problems for humanity and human relationships since creation. Ancient histories record how there were always some who thought they deserved physical relationships outside of marriage. Cheating behavior occurred in both ancient and modern civilizations. Understanding how the behavior was viewed and handled over the years can give you insight and insight into your own struggle […]

The hierarchy of needs and how it relates to plumbing

It is said that the most basic needs of man are the following: air, food, water, sleep and shelter. Your home should be perfectly equipped to meet each of those needs: clean air, nutritious food, reliable water, and comfortable rest in a safe haven. Because once you have these basic needs, you can move on to the higher requirements like: […]