What happens when we die?

There are as many opinions about the potential of an afterlife as there are stars in the sky. Devoutly religious people anticipate a conventional life after death in heaven, hell, or purgatory; others believe in reincarnation. Imaginative atheists conceptualize alternative dimensions. Agnostics claim that there is no existence after death. Einstein believed that no one could understand the universe except […]

Cure your own tendonitis

Tendonitis is scar tissue. The tendon tore slightly, it did not break in half, only some of the fibers were broken. One way tendons tear is overuse in a repetitive motion (from tennis to typing). The tendons will also break from a single hit (a fall or a car accident). Sometimes both happen at the same time; while vacuuming, you […]

Twin flame or soulmate: what is the difference?

What is a soulmate? Soulmates are those lovers who as soon as we meet, it is as if we are old friends or old lovers: there is often a lot of passion, a lot of joy and it feels wonderful to be with them. However, after a time of being together, things often start to go wrong, or you feel […]

How to alienate your audience every time

The American actress, Gwyneth Paltrow, infuriated many Americans when she spoke of her preference for living in Britain. She was quoted in a Spanish newspaper as saying that the British are smarter and more interesting than the Americans. He explained that Americans talk about what they do for a living and care about money. He found the most “civilized” British […]

Why do we choose to be born?

Many people ask what is the purpose of life here on earth. It seems to be one of the timeless, thought-provoking and emotional questions, depending on your outlook on life, death, and why we come here. First of all, we choose to come to earth to have experiences and feel life through our five senses. Being on earth in the […]

Keeping up appearances while browsing!

Sailing women, in general, want to look good … the sun and the sea can be very old and we have to adapt without quick access to beauty salons, skin care products and hairdressing. We could spend much of our time on a journey with salt encrusted skin and hair. But do we really want to be grottie boaters? Our […]

Housework makes children successful and happy

Okay, I can’t guarantee the promise of happiness, but a recent article called “Science Says Parents of Successful Kids Have These 13 Things in Common” posted on Tech Insider lists housework as a factor that could lead to success. children as adults. Author Julie Lythcott-Haims (How to Raise an Adult) is cited as a compliment to housework because it teaches […]

How do you fix a hangover?

It has been estimated that between 25% and 30% of the general population is insensitive to a hangover. What this means is that around one in four lucky people don’t know how the rest of us feel after a big night out. Why this is so is a medical mystery. But medicine has found ways for those of us who […]

The Silent Period of Second Language Acquisition – Know This Before Frustration Settles!

There are five different stages in the second language acquisition process: 1) The period of silence 2) The early production period 3) The period of appearance of speech 4) The intermediate production period 5) The advanced production period Although there is a large amount of research on these different stages, of these five periods, probably the most misunderstood, ignored or […]