The Ethics of Birthday Party Invitations

One might think that there is nothing more innocent and free-spirited than the act of extending invitations to a birthday party. Nothing could be further from the truth. Because within the planning of children’s birthday parties and the offering of invitations there is a minefield full of ethical obstacles and booby traps. Here are three tips to help you maneuver […]

Educational Student Loans Made Easy

Many parents face problems with the education of their children. Tuition fees have gone up significantly, other education-related expenses have multiplied. The situation is the same throughout the country and even the process of part-time education has become very expensive, making it extremely difficult for children, parents and others who aspire to pursue higher education. Many new and modern facilities, […]

Free General Directory

Having trouble finding a good SEO friendly directory list? You are not alone! Many well-established website directories can take months to review your submission requests, and most of these established web directories have strict listing standards. Below you will find our free website directory listings. Most of the free web directories on this list are new, while others are newly […]

Travel options with bottle warmers

How do you choose a good bottle warmer if you want to use it to travel? It depends. There are some bottle warmers that you can use in a car and plug into a cigarette lighter. For example, The First Years Quick-Heat Travel Warmer is a great way to warm bottles while traveling in the car. This model comes with […]

Between Scylla and Charybdis

The day was May 16, 2014. The BJP led NDA had won the general election and Shri Narendra Modi was to be the 16th Prime Minister of India. Congress was completely defeated. The pompous roadshows, the Gujarat model, the multiple claims to recover black money stacked abroad were some of the highlights of the Modified campaign. It’s been 3 years […]

Bed bugs: how do they see?

Although bed bugs love to feed on human blood, they do not have eyes that see like humans. These parasitic creatures have what is called a compound eye structure. It is thought that they do not see in color, that they visualize in black and white. A bed bug’s eye is made up of hundreds of lenses called facets that […]

Libido, Love and Physical Pain

Libido is that delicious drive within us to seek physical, emotional, and sexual pleasure and orgasmic release. Love pushes us to get closer to our desired partner. Love helps us feel invincible, as if we can conquer all obstacles and overcome all difficulties. But pain can stop us in our tracks. Pain has sometimes been called the fifth vital sign. […]

5 Super Fun Indoor Activities Kids Will Love

Instead of letting your kids watch TV or play games all day, why not introduce some fun new games and activities that will keep them on their toes? Children will especially love playing with you! Here are 5 exciting indoor activities you can try with your kids: indoor bowling Young children love to stack things and knock them over, which […]

Learn the truth about losing weight and getting great abs

Debunking the abs myth Abdominal training has been done to death, but it’s time to take another look. Why? because people follow mistrain your abs, so all that ab training the information should not be doing the work. 1 – No Spot Reduction – Endless abs don’t melt the fat from your midsection. it’s just it doesn’t work that way. […]