Debunking the abs myth

Abdominal training has been done to death, but it’s time
to take another look. Why? because people follow
mistrain your abs, so all that ab training
the information should not be doing the work.

1 – No Spot Reduction – Endless abs don’t
melt the fat from your midsection. it’s just
it doesn’t work that way. And despite the “burn” of
high repetition abdominal exercises, hardly burn calories
while doing those endless sit-ups.

Your fat-burning time is better spent elsewhere on
more effective training. You don’t work either
ab muscle intensely enough to develop it.

So endless high-rep sit-ups fail on both counts:
poor muscle building and poor fat burning. Two
thumbs down as the cliché goes.

2 – The Abdominals are a Muscle and must be trained as such.
You don’t need a lot of reps or a lot of sets to work
your abs. This only leads to overtraining.

Now the abs are a more endurance oriented muscle, so
slightly higher reps may be more effective. Nevertheless,
you should keep your reps to 20 or less and work on
increasing resistance.

Yes, you should increase the weights on your abs.
exercises, just like your other exercises. The strong
your abs, they will look better when the fat
is stripped.

Have you ever seen a really skinny guy with a flat stomach but
no abs? The abs have not been trained and they are not.
developed enough to protrude even when fat is
stripped off.

3 – Don’t train your abs – What the hell do I mean?
For this? Well, your abs get a lot of indirect work.
of other exercises so that you don’t really need more
than a couple of hard sets of weighted crunches to
work your abs.

Your abs are a factor in exercises like squats,
deadlifts, seated or standing presses, dumbbells
sweaters, pullovers, etc. You do not believe me?

The next time you work out, do some hard sets on your feet.
Rigid pulldowns armed on the dorsal machine and say
me your abs are not sore the next day. I made them
yesterday and my abs are more sore than my back today.

If you want to develop a flat stomach with your abs
visible, you need to treat your abs like a muscle
and train that way. And you need to strip
fat with a proper training and nutrition program
designed around total fat loss, without trying to spot
reduce through endless sit-ups.

Is there anything out there in the world of fitness
suffering from more misinformation than how to get there

The number of ab machines that constantly come to
the market is amazing. especially considering
they are not needed and will not give you the
results you want.

Let’s set the record straight about the right abdominal workout
now and give you the real information you need to
you can say no to the next ab machine infomercial
and yes to real abs.

1 – Train your abs consistently eventually
give you the flat stomach or six pack you want.

No. It won’t happen if your abs are covered.
by a layer of body fat and doing endless sets of sit-ups
exercises is not the way to get rid of that
excess body fat.

2 – Train your abs every day for better results.

Not again. Your abs are a muscle, just like your
chest, lats, arms, etc. You must train your
abdominals like these other muscles, with progressive
resistance and high intensity – then allow them
rest and recover. Never train your abs more than 3
Days of the week.

3 – You need to do hundreds or reps and feel the burn
to get great abs.

Yes, again the answer is no. The abdominals a single muscle
as I mentioned before. To get six pack abs
you need to shed fat, but you also need to build
abs to really stand out.

If the muscle is not developed, it will only have a
flat stomach but no abs. the name of the game is
progressive resistance for sets of 8 – 20 repetitions, only
like your other muscles.

4 – Train your abs with many series and many repetitions to
burn stomach fat

You guessed it. This is also false. blemish reduction
It’s just not going to happen as much as we’d all like.
a. You cannot burn fat in your stomach doing
endless abs.

You need to put together a proper weightlifting
program, nutrition plan and cardio to set up your
stomach from that stubborn layer of fat and bring you
your abs

Gregg Gillies

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