Advantages of search engine marketing compared to other forms of traditional advertising

If you are the proud owner of a small business or company, then search engine marketing and search engine optimization would be something you would not want to be without. As you will soon discover, more customers are inclined to search through Internet search engines before choosing the yellow pages for information on a particular product or service. If your […]

5 Ways to Get More Downloads for Your App

Have you created a cool new app? Have you also tried and tested your app with some potential customers? If so, you should be excited about the next phase in your app’s life; is that the launch phase? But how do you access the world of the cyber marketplace and get your app noticed among the (around) 2 million customers […]

Introduction to polyethylene film extrusion

An extruder is a rotating screw cylinder or extrusion barrel. There is a feed chute at one end of the barrel and a specially shaped hole or die at the other, where the product exits. Extrusion plastics are thermoplastics that soften when heated and harden again when cooled. When said material is fed into the hopper, it is caught by […]

The 3 roles that social networks play in SEO

SEO is all about growing organically, and in order to develop an effective organic online marketing plan, it’s important to not only look at SEO, but also at content marketing and social media. The SEO algorithm is constantly changing. Social content is consumed at an alarming rate and is increasing by the day. As people continually turn to social media […]