Amazing but true… We no longer need to follow the KJV Bible or outdated Holiness Christians! Eat, drink and be merry. Enjoy life to the fullest, laugh and have fun. That is… until you die. “So what?”

So what? Actually, that same parable is told in the Bible:

And he told them a parable, saying: The land of a certain rich man gave much; and he thought within himself, saying: What shall I do, that I have no place to put my fruits? And he said: This I will do: I will tear down my barns, and I will build them greater, and there I will put all my fruits and my goods, and I will say to my soul: Soul, you have many goods stored for many years, take your relax, eat, drink and rejoice . But God said to him: Fool, tonight your soul will be asked for; then whose will be the things you have provided? (Lk 12, 16-20)

I’m sure you understand the meaning of Jesus. He said it straight from the heart and didn’t mince words.

A story just occurred to me, to explain the parable in more detail… here it is:

*Dad, mom and 3 baby mice were fast asleep. Out of nowhere they heard, “whooo–whooo–whooo.” Hearing it repeated for the second time, and already awake, they all ran out to play. Except mommy, who stayed behind to cook a midnight snack. Soon after, busy playing, they heard the scream again. Looking up, there was Owl just laughing. Dad and 3 little mice started laughing. They didn’t see or hear the big, hungry cat slinking around the corner, licking its chops. Suddenly, daddy saw the cat and pushed 3 babies to the door of the house, yelling at them to hurry inside. Dad, behind them, was halfway there when he felt a sharp pain in his tail as the cat led him out the door, thinking his meal was ready. Just when Daddy felt he couldn’t hold the doorknob any longer, the wicked old cat let out a piercing scream and released his prey as Owl, with his sharp claws, pounced on his head. . Papa mouse quickly ran inside closing the door. Owl flew up to the tree from him. Seeing the cat run away, Dad invited Owl over for a snack before everyone got some much-needed sleep.*

Matthew 16:24 teaches…”Then Jesus said to his disciples: If anyone wants to come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me”.

The Christian cross has been removed as many eat, drink, live joyful lives. They sleep and play, without looking. the dangers of sin creeping up behind them. While playing, without looking, they will suddenly be destroyed. Do you remember what the Lord said? “But God said to him: Fool, this night your soul will be asked of you; then whose will be the things you have provided?”

So, have you thought about the title above? Are all Christians created equally, no matter how they live, what they say, where they go, or what they do?

Keep this in mind, that children (of all ages) do one thing in exactly the same way…they close their ears to advice and open their eyes to example.

No… Christians must be an example to enter Heaven. If one lies, while another deceives, while another reads his Bible, prays, and lets himself be guided by Jesus, who will enter through the Pearl Gates? Yes, you are right. The one who does the will of the Father, Almighty God. Let us strive, as children of God, to please him, so that one day he may say:

“His lord said to him, Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a little, I will set you over many things: ENTER INTO THE JOY OF YOUR LORD.”

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