The Double Direct Method on Mesh is an advanced mosaic laying technique. It allows the artist more freedom in design and installation. It’s like doing the direct method, but your tiles are bonded to a fiberglass mesh instead of your substrate.

Whether you call it the double direct method or the mesh method, you’ll love this new technique. Once your mosaic is finished, you can install it anywhere, whether it’s on a tabletop, a kitchen backsplash, or an exterior wall mural. The versatility is tremendous.

You will need a fiberglass mesh before you begin. It is very important to use fiberglass mesh as it takes much longer to deteriorate than other meshes. This is sold in square yard sections, but you can find it in a continuous roll if needed. Be sure to get the 4.3 oz. or the 6 oz. This is simply the weight of the mesh. The 4.3-ounce is good for most glass mosaics. The 6-ounce is best used for heavier tiles like marble.

You will also need to have your design drawn up in the actual finished size. You can take your small version to most copy shops and they can scale it up for you. Remember that you will lose some of your detail when you increase the size.

To get started, you’ll need a large, flat area to lay the tile. You may want to use a piece of plywood or even a folded cardboard box. It just needs to be sturdy enough to hold your mosaic if you need to move it from the table you’re working on.

Now you are going to layer and paste the following in this order. Put your design on the surface you think. Cover your design with plastic wrap. Next, cover the plastic wrap with fiberglass mesh. Make sure all of this is secured to the flat surface. If this moves during your mosaic then your design will shift.

Using full strength Weldbond, begin adhering the tiles to your design. You don’t want to use too much glue, so lightly apply it to the back of each piece. Follow your design under the mesh until you have completely covered it. Be careful not to cut tiles on the mesh. You will end up with shards stuck in the mesh grooves and the tiles will come off later due to poor adhesion.

Once you have finished laying the tiles, let the piece set overnight. Carefully turn the entire piece over and remove the plastic wrap. The glue will still be wet at this point, but the tiles should stay in place. Let the glue finish drying. Trim the excess mesh around the tile. If your mosaic is very large, you will need to cut it into workable pieces. If it’s small enough to handle easily, then you’re ready to install it.

Mix your thin-set mortar using the latex additive according to package directions. Spread a thin layer on your surface and smooth until it is half the thickness of the tiles. Lay the mosaic on top of the thin layer. Once you’re sure you have it where you want it, take a two by four and press all the tiles. If you have a thin set that gets squished between the tiles, use a toothpick to clean it up right away.

Allow your installed tile to set overnight. Grout your finished tile the same way you would grout any other tile.

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