It has been said that the shoulders make the man, and I couldn’t agree more. Big, round and ultra wide shoulders will highlight any physique and make it stand out from the rest. Especially since you don’t see a lot of people with really big shoulders. One reason for this is work, and by that I mean that the art of building big shoulders takes a lot of work, and unfortunately, many people just don’t want to work.


When you talk about presses, most people automatically assume you mean bench presses, but the type of press I’m referring to is the overhead press. Long before the bench press became mainstream, the overhead press was the upper body exercise of choice, and for good reason. Not only does it work all three heads of your shoulders hard, but it also works your mid-back in a unique way, helping to keep the muscles that make up your rotator cuff strong and giving your triceps a good workout as well. These can be done with a barbell or dumbbells and to be honest I prefer dumbbells because I think they are easier on the shoulders but try both and see which version you like better.

Another thing you can do is alternate between barbell and dumbbell presses, as each works your shoulders a little differently, and this approach also helps prevent boredom. I know, I know, people talk about standing or seated lateral raises for the head of the lateral deltoids, but trust me on this, when you work to handle a good weight on the overhead press, your lateral delts will be working hard. And you will see the results.


First, if you were born with naturally narrow shoulders, targeting your lateral delts is a great idea because it will create the illusion of broader shoulders. And it will help your waist look smaller if you are naturally thick in this area.

Second, however, there is one point that most people overlook when trying to build a standout physique and that is the rear deltoid head. So much physics is lacking in this area (and the overhead press works in this area track) that if you make sure this area of ​​your body is on par with everything else, you’ll stand out from the crowd. .


I mentioned this before, but I want to expand on it. The overhead press will help keep your rotator cuff muscles strong, which is especially good, as ask anyone who’s injured a shoulder: it’s really hard to train with an injured shoulder. So be careful to do your overhead presses with good form and hold the barbell or dumbbell overhead for a few seconds after each rep, as holding a heavy weight overhead helps strengthen your muscles. rotator cuffs.


Wide, thick and solid shoulders will enhance your physique like no other part of the body. And if you take the time to make sure all three heads, but especially the sides and back, are equally developed, you’ll really stand out. If this sounds good to you, I urge you to try the exercise above. Your shoulders will thank you.


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