It has been said many times that living well is the best revenge. My boyfriend broke up with me and I would give anything to figure out how to get my ex back. Based on the old adage of living well, I came up with a plan.

First, I refuse to become that whining, crying, pleading, desperate little girl we all know and hate. I refuse to beg my ex to get back together with me mainly because I’m sure that’s not how getting back with my ex is. Although I am overwhelmingly sad and completely devastated that he left me, acting like this will only drive him further away.

I’ve thought long and hard about the reasons we met in the first place. I realize that I have changed over time and have lost touch with myself along the way. I started rejecting my friends so I could hang out with him and his friends. I even stopped going to clubs because he doesn’t like them, although I do like them. The only things we seem to have in common are a love of sports and a similar sense of humor. So I’ve decided to show him those aspects of me as much as possible so he can see again what brought us together. I also plan to get back to doing the things I love, for myself and no one else.

So my general plan is:

1) Avoid begging and being that annoying ex-girlfriend who can’t get over the breakup. I’m trying to figure out how to get back together with my ex, not how to be the butt of his and his friends’ jokes!
2) Go back to doing the things I loved to do before he and I started dating. Yes, I want to get back together with my ex, but sitting around crying over him doesn’t do me any good. I gave up a lot of things when we get together and I want to do something fun with my time.
3) Slowly open the lines of communication with him. I refuse to call him 100 times a day or send him a million texts! But I’ll say a friendly “Hello!” when I see him. After all, if he thinks I’m fine and happy, he’s probably wondering why I’m so happy without him, and maybe he’s starting to wonder how he can ever get back together with me.
4) I will kindly let him know that I still care deeply about him, but I refuse to link my happiness to whether I am with him or not. I’ll be serious when I say it because I know it’s true no matter how horrible I feel inside of him or how much I miss him or how much I want to get back together with my ex.
5) I am going to join my old clubs and activities. After all, this is where he and I originally met, who knows? Maybe he will join me and this will be the way to get back together with my ex in no time!

While manipulating someone is not something a person should do, sometimes we need to take steps to get what we want. I hope he doesn’t feel manipulated by my display of happiness without him. I just want him to see that I am still a great person who loves to have fun and that he will remember all the reasons we met in the first place without me putting myself down or making him hate me.

I am starting with these 5 steps. Some of the best advice and tips I’ve found on how to get back together with my ex come from Using the resources on this website, I have already seen progress. The other night, at a mutual friend’s birthday party, I caught him peeping at me all night. This website works!

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