Slow cookers gained popularity in the ’70s and are making a comeback in our hectic lifestyles. Many families are tired of fast foods and boxed mixes. Even more so as winter approaches, we need to fill the house with the enticing scent of comfort foods.

For our fast-paced lives, a little advanced preparation can save time, cut costs, and please families and guests.

To get the best service from your slow cooker, fill it one-half to three-quarters full and keep it covered. If you have to stir, do so quickly and replace the lid. It may take fifteen to twenty minutes to recover the heat lost by removing the lid.

Because the slow cooker captures moisture, you need to be careful when adding liquids. You can always add more if needed at the end of the cook cycle.

Does your family enjoy spicy foods? Keep a supply of seasoned salt, herb mixes, lemon juice, flavored vinegars, and soy sauce. Freshly ground pepper and fresh chopped herbs add a refreshing flavor and aroma when added at the end of the cooking cycle.

Vegetables take longer to cook than meat. Cut the vegetables into small, thin pieces and place them on the bottom and sides of the pot; then pile the meats on top.

Another trick to save money with the slow cooker is meats. Buy the cheapest and toughest cuts of meat, as they will come out tender and flavorful.

Be sure to remove food from the pot once your dish is cooked. Put leftover food in a clean container, cover and refrigerate as soon as possible. Do not use your crock pot to reheat food.

A recipe that takes 30 minutes to cook will take 4 to 6 hours on low or 1 1/2 to 2 hours on high in the crock pot. This seems like a waste of time on the surface. But once you put your food in the crock pot and adjust the temperature, you can walk away and let it cook. Not so with food cooked on top of the stove.

Using the crock pot for hours also seems like a waste of electricity. However, we are told that the crock pot consumes less energy than a light bulb; certainly less than thirty minutes on the stove.

With a few adjustments, you can cook your favorite crock pot recipes and surprise your friends and family with delicious meals and time to spare.

Happy cooking!

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