This book is something different, I just need to say that first. This is not a comfortable read at all. This is the true story of the horror inside the Auschwitz concentration camp during World War II. What is told in the book is not human at all, it is just the terrible truth written by Dr. Mengele’s assistant, Miklos Nyiszli.

In 1946, just after the war ended, the book was written and published. I think it’s a great thing that the book was written in the first place, even if it’s an extreme story. Sometimes when reading this book, I wished it were fiction and not even close to the truth. This book is the raw story uncovered about the life of a Jewish doctor inside the concentration camp.

The history

It all started in May 1944 when the doctor and pathologist Miklos Nyiszli, along with his wife and daughter, was sent to the Auschwitz concentration camp. Tell the story about how he got to the camp and how he was singled out as Josef Mengele’s assistant at camp. It tells the inside story about how he was chosen, what kind of work he did, and how he did it. It gives us the exact truth about how they killed for science.

We get the raw story with no hype or fiction involved, just the brutal truth about life as a prisoner inside the camp.

The doctor writes about how he separated from his loved ones. It tells stories of the darkest secrets within the field and about the type of industrial mass murders that took place in the field. He writes about fear and impressions of his surroundings.

Dr. Nyiszli was lucky to get the job he did. He wore better clothes than the rest of the camp and had excellent food compared to what the usual prisoners received. The big problem with his situation was that all the people in his position only worked for 3 months before being killed.

Miklos Nyiszli reached the end of the war and in 1947 he witnessed against the Germans in the Nuremberg trial.

For anyone interested in what happened in the concentration camps during WWII, this is a must-read book. As I mentioned before, it is not a comfortable read, but it is the dark and raw truth. I will recommend this book to absolutely everyone.

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