We live in a world of frequent travel. Jet lag is a condition that can occur when traveling by plane across time zones. The medical term for jet lag is known as “desynchronization.” Simply put, jet lag affects your internal biological clock. Many people are affected by jet lag when they travel. It can put a damper on your travel plans and even affect your physical health. There are several things you can do to help lessen the symptoms of jet lag.

Cause of Jet Lag: The cause is due to the crossing of time zones. We have 24 time zones around the world. In the United States we are divided into four zones; Eastern, Central, Mountainous and Pacific. When you travel, your body has a hard time adjusting to the new time zone. You will adjust, but it is a process. For example, if you’re traveling from New York to California, your body still thinks you’re in the New York time zone. This struggle to adjust is what creates the symptoms associated with jet lag.

To understand more clearly you need to know how the biological clock works. Human beings operate on a 24-hour cycle. This is known as a “circadian rhythm.” The hypothalamus found in the brain is an internal clock. It regulates many functions, including determining the time of day. This is done in conjunction with the visual perception of the eye. Signals are affected and the result is jet lag.

Jet lag symptoms: The clear symptoms of jet lag are fatigue and insomnia. Lesser known symptoms may include; dizziness, nausea, constipation, irregular heartbeat, and headaches.

Recommendations: Avoid caffeine and alcoholic beverages. Before you fly, you should stay away from these kinds of stimulant products. Alcohol can make you feel dehydrated, which can intensify jet lag for some people. Healthy eating: Avoid overeating a few days before you fly. You must eat well and give your body the nutrients it needs to be nourished and full of energy. Eating light on the day of your flight is also helpful. Avoid too much fat or carbohydrate the night before you travel because it can affect your sleep. Keep doing this for a few days after your flight to ensure you get the best sleep possible.

After the trip: Sleep: You need to get enough sleep after traveling. There are many things you can do. Ease your way to sleep by taking a warm bath. This helps your body relax and makes you feel sleepy. Sleep aids such as eye masks or ear plugs may be helpful. Minimize distractions and keep your bedroom as dark and quiet as possible to promote sleep. If it becomes more severe and you can’t seem to sleep, you should see your doctor, especially if you’re a frequent traveler. He or she may prescribe medicine to help you sleep. There are also trained “sleep specialists” who can help with symptoms of jet lag.

Change your schedule early: The rate of adjustment to feeling normal again is usually one day per time zone. Suppose you will be crossing many time zones, for example a trip from New York to London. You can start a little adjustment before you leave for your trip by trying to move your daily schedule back one hour a week before you travel. This will reduce the impact and intensity of jet lag that some people experience.

Jet lag is a common and often unpleasant side effect of travel. With proper planning, you can help reduce the negative effects and lead to a more positive travel experience. Whenever you make diet or lifestyle changes, always check with your doctor, especially if you have a medical condition or are taking prescription medications.

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