Authors, self-publishers, and book publishers can be very unhappy when they see boxes of books delivered from the printer, loaded on pallets in their garage, and with no idea how they’re going to sell them; Don’t let this happen to you, prepare yourself. Self-publishers must have a good marketing plan to sell books and it must be written before writing your book and in place one year before publishing your book. This article will provide you with easy, free and cheap book marketing, promotion and advertising tips so that you can quickly head in the right direction.

Press releases can generate thousands of dollars in sales when picked up by the national print or commercial media. Send out a press release to at least 1,000 press and outreach contacts right before you publish your headline and again and again after publishing; you can never send too many. Make sure your press release details ‘who, what, where, when and why’.

The use of press releases can be a very effective marketing tool if used correctly. Submit a press release to every trade magazine in your field over and over again; you can use the same version. Invest in press release submission software and set aside time each week to submit an online press release to press directories.

Using press releases to market or promote your book or book website has become increasingly popular as publishers discover the powerful benefits of using press releases. Send the same press release to the editor of your local newspaper every week until you are called in for an interview or drafted.

Submit articles to online article directories that focus on the topic of your book to drive customers to your website. Print and online publications provide longevity to your marketing campaign in terms of having something tangible for people to refer to on-going. Contact booksellers outside of the bookstore and offer to drop off books on consignment.

Find a reputable non-exclusive distributor to get your book into the bookstore trade, as well as other retailers. Local radio shows and TV appearances are good, but are often forgotten within hours of broadcast; be sure to make or obtain a copy of any television broadcast for future promotions. If your book fits a niche market, find a genre-friendly store and offer to drop off books on consignment; many publishers have sold thousands of books this way.

Make sure your sales letter or flyer is top notch; This is your formal presentation of your title to the prospective buyer. Periodically place free ads for your book website on Craigslist in different categories to drive even more traffic to your website. I have not found that book signings sell many books for publishers and that they are often a waste of time; better spend it elsewhere.

Be sure to promote and market your book every day, both online and offline. Women buy more books than men; See how your book can fit into the women’s market. Your sales letter or flyer should include an eye-catching headline, buyer benefits, book features, book sales information, and testimonials. Market your book to your number one market first, and then go after secondary markets. Remember to make sure your book is included in Books-in-Print; don’t assume it’s already on the list.

I’ve seen publishers lose a lot of money paying for expensive display ads, so be careful if you do this; I don’t advise it at first – wet your feet first so you know what you’re doing. Create an online contest and list it on online contest directories to drive traffic to your website.

I hope this article has provided you with helpful tips to accelerate your book marketing and promotion efforts. Yes, you can market and promote your book on a shoestring budget, just be careful with your marketing dollars. Do not delay another day if you have stayed on the road; Be sure to focus on promoting, selling, and marketing your book every day.

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