In everyone’s life, there is a love story that, despite giving everything you have to the relationship, your partner still breaks your heart. The heavy blow to your belly and the excruciating pain of abandonment are unique in their ability to incapacitate you and make you make unfortunate mistakes. Desperate attempts to save what only you think is a relationship worth saving produce humiliating encounters with your ex that hurt you even more. If your loved one happily moves into a new love, you are left alone to wither and cry without the benefit of your lover’s healing embrace. What can you do to feel better? Here are five techniques to help you survive your love affair.

1. Keep the love

You don’t have to stop loving someone just because you no longer see your partner. Even if the relationship ends, the time you spent together will always be a part of your life. The good quality love you gave him was a beautiful part of you and you can keep warm memories of good times for the rest of your life, even if he or she acted badly. The worst pain is trying to force yourself to stop loving someone before you’re ready to let go. So don’t do it.

2. Stop trying to control

You cannot control what another person feels or does in the relationship. You can control the type of partner you select and how much you are willing to sacrifice for that partner. The more obsessive and controlling you are in a dying relationship, the longer you will cling to crumbs someone throws at you. Sometimes you have to take a few humiliating moments while struggling to let go. Sometimes a clean breakup can be very hard if you’ve cut yourself off from your friends. No one should put up with verbal or physical abuse in the name of love, but sometimes you have to stick around longer than you should, just to start restructuring your life.

3. What are the odds?

Can you meet someone in high school, get married, and stay together forever? It can, but it rarely happens these days. You have probably broken up with other people in the past that you had gotten tired of and perhaps, they suffered. You may have felt bad about hurting them, but you got over them and moved on. The difference here is just who walked away first. Most relationships fail until you find the right one.

4. It is better to have loved

When you are ninety years old, would you mean that you played it safe and never risked getting hurt? You have known love. That is a success in life. It doesn’t matter if they treated you rudely, if your heart kept walking, or if someone cheated on you. That’s a story about them, not about you. You loved and no matter how it ended, be proud that you are capable of caring.

5. It only hurts for a long time

If you have truly loved someone with all your heart and have lost before, then you know that it can take anywhere from six months to a year to recover from the pain. If it’s your first heartbreak, it may seem like the pain will never end. However, it will. See a therapist as soon as you finish and make it easier for the first month or two. Every day you do the movements and after several months, you realize that you forgot the pain for a while. In that moment, you will realize that you will survive this broken heart and learn to love again.

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