Hair thinning shears, also known as thinning shears, come in a variety of styles. In general, they look very similar to regular hair scissors, but have a blade that looks more like a comb. The size and spacing between the “teeth” is what determines how much or how little hair is thinned or removed.

Wider teeth will remove less hair, while narrower teeth will remove a lot of hair. This tool works by cutting or removing only part of the hair. As your hair falls between your teeth, it is safe from the cut. The rest of the hair gets that thinning cut that will turn your hair into a more manageable thickness.

This is a lot of back and forth in the professional hair world as to whether this style of hair clippers does more harm than good. Opponents of this process are mostly made up of people who have had a traumatic hair experience involving a happy stylist.

They say that hair thinning shears remove too much hair and leave strands looking stringy and can even cause a bald appearance in extreme cases. It’s true, if a stylist is too eager to remove thickness, he may end up cutting off so much that his hair will suffer for months to come as it grows properly.

Supporters, however, say you just need to find an experienced stylist because hair thinning shears can save you precious hours in styling time and precious dollars in hair products. They wholeheartedly support this nifty hack and will recommend it to any boss with fluffy hair.

Regardless of whether you choose to take a stand, keep in mind that this is a cutting process, and if not done right, you could suffer from split ends and other adverse effects. You will always be safer if you plan to take advantage of thinning hair scissors no more than three times a year. That’s a nice balance that will allow you to reduce thickness without looking stringy.

And remember, if you have a fiasco… you can always wear a hat.

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