It’s no mystery to anyone who has been in business, especially a home business where funds are tight, that referral marketing is the fastest and cheapest way to build a business that makes making money at home so much more. easy than with traditional advertising.

And there are many ways to get referrals.

For example, one of the best ways is to do it when someone has paid you a compliment.

But another good time to ask for referrals is the time the sale has been made.

In fact, according to Jay Conrad Levinson (one of the world’s most prolific and respected marketers), as soon as the sale is consummated and paid for, the person feels a sense of positivity.

And while they’re feeling that positivity, that’s the time to ask for the referral.

It doesn’t have to be fancy or anything, just ask for the names of three or five people who could benefit from being on your mailing list.

And to make it worthwhile, to make it easy and fun for them to give you referrals, you can also give them a reward or gift in exchange for those names.

And then, to really exploit the opportunity for all it’s worth, go back to those same customers who gave you referrals a month later and ask for more. And then again six months later.

The reason why is because people meet new people all the time. And for that month and the next six months, chances are they’ll have even more names for you.

This is some of the best referral advice I’ve ever heard.

And I can guarantee that if you use it for your home business, it will make it grow much faster and easier than it would otherwise, and it will put more money in your pocket almost immediately.

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