Do you know that your ego, which you identify as me or me, is the most incredible survivor and trustworthy con man in mind? For the ego, death is anathema. So much so that we have created various beliefs and philosophies to console ourselves and think that there is life after death. Yet we see people commit suicide. How is it that this ego, the great survivor, suddenly turns around and goes down a path of self-destruction? The answer lies in understanding how our perceptions and thought processes influence our subconscious mind.

In my recent article entitled “Rational or Delusional Thinking?” I posed this question “Are you a Rational or Delusional Thinker?”. Most people think that they know themselves and believe that what they are doing is right and justified. The kinds of actions they take as a result lead them in different directions depending on their perception of reality.

The problem is that most people think they know themselves, but they don’t know how their mind works. They don’t realize how the body and mind are so intimately connected. So, to help you understand the basics, let me summarize the following from my observations. First of all, we all know that we have a body that is the physical part and a mind that is the mental part.

Everyone is familiar with the physical part, the body that does not require much explanation. However, the mental aspect, the mind, is not properly understood by most people. They are not aware that it has two parts, the conscious and the subconscious. Most people are aware of the conscious part, where our ego is active and travels through time. However, not many people are interested in or understand the subconscious mind. We mostly take it for granted, like the elephant in the room. Even the medical profession, which should be interested in our mental health, ignores this because doctors lack understanding of their minds and are uncomfortable looking into their egos. Since our subconscious mind, the supreme source of energy, controls all our vital functions such as our cardiovascular system, breathing, digestion, etc. Wouldn’t it be stupid to ignore it? However, we do. Doctors will be fooling themselves if they think they are practicing evidence-based medicine today.

Have you noticed how we are always trying to pacify our subconscious mind in everything we do in life? When we pray to God, for example, aren’t we trying to pacify our subconscious mind? Most of our activities are aimed at making us happy or calming our subconscious mind.

However, people do not know how the ego operates in their mind and how it influences the subconscious mind. People are unaware that our thought process is hypnotic and that we get hypnotized every time we think. Not only that, but most people are unaware that the outside world is also hypnotizing us. Many people believe that they cannot be hypnotized.

Hence it is so easy to be deceived. Since we live in a very egocentric world, one can become very isolated. Without self-awareness and gaining insight into one’s own mind, one can become a potential candidate for suicide. In order to understand how we fool ourselves, we must first learn to understand how our subconscious mind works.

Remember, our subconscious mind is the most powerful source of energy in our body. It controls all our vital functions in our body and makes us feel happy or sad, depending on how we stimulate it. It has no discriminatory power. It does not know right from wrong or right from wrong. It affects us at various levels of our consciousness, from the cellular to our central brain. It is like a sponge that is constantly absorbing information from our inner and outer world. In summary, I would say that our subconscious mind is made up of a whole system of conditioned reflexes designed to protect us from our environment.

To understand how easy it is to fool ourselves, we have to look at the effects of words on the subconscious mind. Words have a direct reflex action. Its meaning does not matter.

For example, when we press a key on a piano keyboard, it makes a specific sound. Similarly, when we say a negative word in our mind, it produces a harmful chemical in our system. When we say a positive word, it creates a positive chemical. The meaning does not matter to the subconscious mind. As I see it, how we feel at any given moment is the sum of all the good and harmful chemicals in our system.

Let me give you some examples of how we continually deceive ourselves. When you instruct a person on how to perform a task, and the person says “It’s too hard, I can’t do it,” you will instantly produce chemicals that will block further understanding of the task.

It means that the person had defeated themselves before they started, even if they didn’t mean it that way. Because? It is because words have a direct effect on the subconscious mind. If you keep repeating this phrase, you will feel powerless. It’s how one deludes himself into thinking that he is helpless.

What you should be doing is saying the opposite, even if you don’t mean it: “Yes, I can do the job. If he can do the job, I can do it better. All I need is training, knowledge, and experience. Yeah”. , I can do it.” If the person keeps repeating this type of phrase in their mind, they will eventually get the job done. They have continued to produce positive chemicals to keep their subconscious mind open to all possibilities. Please be aware when you find yourself saying negative words. It could lead to disastrous consequences even if you didn’t mean it. They affect your perceptions and reinforce your negative thinking.

In the same way, a person can delude himself into thinking that he is on the right track when he says “I understand.” Or I know”. In this case, the subconscious mind will immediately block further understanding of the assigned task. It is because the subconscious mind reacts to the words, not the meaning of the word. One can easily believe that he knows everything about the job and yet hasn’t gotten it all. So please be aware of how you use words in your mind. Please don’t say “I understand.” when you have not learned the meaning of what has been said. That way, you will keep your mind open.

Let’s look at another example of how we use words to hypnotize ourselves and make us feel good. He attends the funeral of a person who knows that he had a reckless past and was a difficult person who never listened to anyone. But the person in the pulpit says all the good things about him. Tears come to your eyes, even if you are not sad. Because? It is because words have a direct effect on our subconscious mind. We have no control. Here, we are comforting ourselves with words even though we may or may not want to say them. That’s why we never hear harsh language at any funeral.

Consider people who are smokers. They say they know smoking is bad for them, but they keep smoking. They don’t realize that they are using words in their mind that keep them smoking. You need to be aware of this because it’s just a habit and say the opposite of what you feel, such as “I hate smoking. It’s a dirty, gross habit. I hate smoking.” If you keep repeating these types of phrases, it will be easier for you to kick the habit. Better yet, they should also use the power of perception to help themselves where they can quit smoking instantly.

Again, if you are suffering from any chronic disease such as cancer, diabetes, etc., it is even more vital to clarify your perceptions. You are in this position because your immune system has been damaged. You can help yourself by changing the way you think and your approach to life. So if you harbor hate, anger, bitterness, resentment, or any negative feeling in your mind, be aware that you are here producing harmful chemicals that can further damage your immune system. They are bad for physical and psychological health. Please be aware of these words. Replace all negative words with positive words. The best part is that you don’t have to mean them or focus on the words and see how quickly you start to feel better.

As can be seen from above, you don’t know yourself until you start to understand your subconscious mind. The world is manipulating you. Therefore, it is easy for a person to feel depressed or suicidal just by speaking negatively. Without insight into one’s mind and no self-knowledge or understanding of how one’s mind works, one can easily convince oneself to take action that can lead to disastrous consequences.

After reading the above, can you still trust to take yourself seriously? I have written this article to give you insight into your mind. If it helps you make sense, it means you have some understanding. If you don’t, it will have the same effect as reading the Holy Book in front of a buffalo. The thirst for self-knowledge has to come from within. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t force it to drink.

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