I know that not many players like to fish in World of Warcraft. However, this way you can make a lot of gold. All you need to do is know what to fish and where. So, in this short WoW gold guide, I will tell you how to farm gold in Cataclysm and make good profit from fishing.

But before I tell you exactly where to go and what fish to catch, it is important that you know one thing. It is no longer necessary to have great fishing skills to be able to fish in high-level waters. You only need 1 fishing skill to be able to use a fishing pole and you can always catch a fish if your casts land on a school of fish. You probably know what a school of fish or a pile of floating debris looks like in World of Warcraft, so I won’t waste your time describing it one more time.

And now, here are two types of valuable fish and other things that you can obtain by using this secondary profession.

1. Sunscale salmon. Catching these types of fish can be a very rewarding way to farm for gold in Cataclysm. Before the Devastation, this fish could be caught in the Eastern Plaguelands. It can still be trapped within Stratholme, in the Eastern Plaguelands, but its new home is the Blasted Lands today. Why is this fish valuable? Simply because there are not many alternatives for cooks to increase their skill from 250 to 300 and they practically have to resort to cooking sun flake salmon or night snapper. By the way, sunscale salmon can only be fished during the day. During the night, you will catch night snapper, but they are the same as salmon, which is used for the same type of cooking recipes.

2. Deep eels and sealed boxes. You can catch these two on the Tol Barad peninsula. These eels are used for the Seafood Magnifique feast, a very important raid food. Especially on Wednesdays when the raid content is restarted, these fish sell quite well and at high prices. Along with the Fathom Eel schools, you’ll find piles of wrecks on the Tol Barad peninsula. If you fish in these rubble piles, you will get sealed boxes that contain all kinds of useful things, from volatile elements to flowers to minerals. The most important resources that can be found in these boxes are Embersilk Cloth and Heavy Wild Leather.

Of course, there are many other methods of growing gold in Cataclysm. However, if you want to learn them all, I highly recommend a much stronger WoW gold guide.

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