As most men know, one of the best things about a penis is that it is always there, and one of the other good things about it is that it is almost always ready to play. So when a man is excited or bored or just in the mood for a little fun, his penis is usually a game to jerk off a bit. (Hopefully, a man will exercise a modicum of restraint so that overuse doesn’t result in inadequate attention to penis care, of course.) But over time, a man can sometimes get a bit bored with his regular masturbation routines and want to spice things up a bit. Again, there is nothing wrong with being adventurous, but there are some masturbation activities that it is generally wiser to avoid.

– Keep it to yourself. There are some situations where openly masturbating in front of other people is perfectly fine, such as going to a masturbation club or attending a circle jerk. But these situations are rare, and while masturbation in public can seem exciting and can fulfill a person’s exhibitionist streak, it is best to refrain from doing so unless it is a setting where it is explicitly allowed and / or encouraged, especially as in most cases masturbation in public is illegal.

– Avoid hoses from vacuum cleaners. Often times when a man has an erection, he really wants to find an object that he can insert it into. Sometimes this is fine: a pumpkin with a hollowed out hole, for example, or a sex toy that simulates a female organ. Sometimes it isn’t, like when a man looks at his vacuum cleaner and wonders what it would be like to penetrate the hose, especially if the hose is on. Guys trying this are looking for trouble and a lot of pain, as the hose will at the very least create pain and discomfort. In some cases, it can cause more serious damage, so it’s best to avoid the temptation altogether.

– Do not use the tenderizer. Although masturbation is often euphemistically called “pounding,” it would be more accurate to say that most of the time men tend to stroke or rub their penis rather than hitting it. However, sometimes men hit the penis with their hand while masturbating. Within limits, this is fine, but don’t move on to using other items, such as a mallet or real meat tenderizer. The damage that can be done to the penis can be severe and long-lasting.

– Be careful at work. Many men masturbate at work (and in fact, some people find that they are much more productive and less stressed if they stimulate themselves in the office), so this advice does not say DON’T, just be careful. When pampering yourself, make sure the space is safe enough. For example, if a man has his own office, he must be absolutely sure that the door is closed. If you don’t have your own office, you need to make sure you use the men’s room and make sure the cubicle door is completely closed. And in any case, you need to contain your moans and sighs to avoid an embarrassing situation.

If a man can avoid stumbling blocks like the ones above, masturbation can be a fun and enjoyable way to pass time and get in touch with his body. It is even better if the penis is kept in good shape by regularly applying a penis health cream to the top drawer. (Health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven to be gentle and safe for the skin). The best cream will contain both L-arginine and L-carnitine. The first is an amino acid that helps the body produce nitric oxide; this, in turn, keeps the blood vessels in the penis open when increased blood flow is needed for erections. The latter has neuroprotective properties to counteract rough use of the penis which can otherwise lead to decreased penile sensation.

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