When was the last time you bought something? I bet it was probably today or maybe yesterday. At the very least, you bought an idea or concept. Now when was the last time they sold you something? You will probably have to dig deeper in search of that answer. The reason is that most of us love to shop, but we hate being sold.

You may have heard this before and wondered how it applies to me. First of all, we all now understand that we are in the business of persuasion. Whether it’s for the kids to clean up the mess or to convince a complete stranger to join you on your business opportunity … we do it daily. With that in mind, it makes more sense to help someone buy than to force a sale.

Well, the million dollar question has to be “How do you do that?” I thought you would never ask. It is a simple but rarely adopted concept. Just give away your valuable information. That’s how it is. Package the information your end user would like access to and give it away. As you can imagine, you will totally differentiate yourself from your competition. Who would you prefer to do business with? The person who only talks about their big break or the person who teaches how to become a more attractive leader.

You will most likely choose the latter. This principle applies to any business you are involved in. This is the difference between being an aggressive salesperson or a valuable advisor. By providing valuable information, you will have willing and able prospects who will come after you and want to do business with you. A great example of this concept can be found with famous trainers. Are your workouts more effective than your peers? Probably not. So why are people willing to pay you ten times more for your services? It is because of the superior perspective that they have presented. We experience his advice through national television shows, magazine articles, celebrity testimonials, blogs, and even tweets. Guess what? You can become the celebrity in your industry.

Perhaps you have a newsletter or ezine that would benefit those who are interested in your experience. Authors and opinion leaders do this all the time. So don’t think you are giving too much information. You are doing the opposite. You are building trust and allowing your potential customer to learn more about you and your offers in a relaxed way.

Once the potential client raises their hand and says that I really want you to help me, you will have a super qualified client who is ready to experience your offer. Isn’t that really the goal? To deliver you a steady stream of willing and able customers without all the drama normally associated with a sales process.

Implement this strategy and I guarantee that you will separate yourself from the masses. Wishing you all the abundance you deserve.

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