Mystic Quest Reborn or Forsaken

The Journey of Mystic Quest is old, and began in the early nineties on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. It was initially aimed at beginning players in the RPG genre. It was criticized after the first pitch for being too easy and monotonous. I first played the game many years ago and was happy to complete the original Mystic Quest. […]

The hidden threats and risks of the Internet of Things

Technology is one of those inventions of scientists that evolve every hour. Only a few decades ago, computers required air conditioning and were kept in a special environment to run smoothly. Today, machines and devices are developed with the harshest conditions in mind; They are durable and can withstand extreme conditions like dust, temperature, and even water. Furthermore, a lot […]

Boric acid for treating fungal infections

Boric acid capsules used as vaginal suppositories can be an effective remedy for yeast infections in some women. Boric acid acidifies the vagina, which restores the natural balance of bacteria and yeast. Boric acid can be particularly helpful for people with chronic yeast infections who have not responded to prescription or over-the-counter antifungal medications. Some pharmacies can prepare boric acid […]

Norman Rockwell Urban Connection

Although his home was rural Vermont, Norman Rockwell knew of the integrated urban neighborhoods that thrived in America in the 1940s. Long before interstates, Levittown, and the “white flight,” working-class neighborhoods in Troy, New York, and Los Angeles, California attracted the famous illustrator. He drew sketches and took photographs of their homes and their people, and these sketches served as […]

Sony Playstation 3 has NVIDIA graphics processor and IBM Cell Processor

The next generation of Sony PlayStation has been released with a slimmer body and an evolution in the game console industry. This 120GB PlayStation 3 system is loaded with a selection of new enhancements and advancements alongside the multimedia features and functions of the previous PlayStation 3 model, which is designed to attract development in the realm of next-generation entertainment. […]

Sources of business financing

Sources of business financing can be studied under the following headings: (1) Short-term financing: Short-term financing is needed to meet current business needs. Current needs may include paying taxes, wages or salaries, repair expenses, paying the creditor, etc. The need for short-term financing arises because sales income and purchase payments are not exactly the same every time. Sometimes sales can […]