Learn a language at school this year?

It’s that time of year when many of us are getting ready to go back to school. If you’re going to study a language this year, whether as a new subject or as part of a continuing series, there are plenty of things you can do outside of the classroom that can seriously improve your grades. You can take responsibility […]

Create a better work-life balance

Futurists and scientists of the last century spoke in glowing terms of the coming of an age of leisure. Automation and computing would take over, they said, freeing the individual to seek a rich, rewarding and balanced life. Instead, this is what modern life in the Western world has actually turned out to be. Employees work harder and longer. The […]

Parenting a Child With Autism: 11 Tips to Promote Autism Acceptance

When parents first hear the word autism in relation to their child, they are often overwhelmed and scared. Many parents turn to trusted sources like Autism Speaks and the HEAL Foundation for help. Both organizations are based on autism awareness. The research and services provided help parents, families, and friends get all the information they need to truly understand autism. […]

when a married man dates

(First posted @GoodMenProject, Aug 6, 2018) In the spirit of the current age, the men seem trapped in a Catch-22. They are doomed no matter which direction they take. Despite that, they must somehow define themselves and shape their personality, mind, career and life in a dangerously complicated world. Many men feel caught up in a maelstrom of conflicting messages, […]

Does artichoke really help you lose weight?

There have been many fads in weight loss methods, from the Atkins diet to Fen-phen and everything in between. Some of them seem to live up to expectations and some don’t. A newer and trending weight management aid is Artichoke supplements. This trend started in Mexico and is now becoming more and more popular in the United States. But the […]

The work of a business lawyer

Business attorneys are legal professionals who specialize in helping small and large businesses. They are your most helpful resource if you ever need help with legal matters. You can always check with them if you have issues related to property, taxes, zoning compliance, intellectual property, and many other issues. On top of that, they are able to defend you in […]

What everyone should know about sunlight and how it boosts your natural immune power for FREE

Have you ever noticed how the sun makes you feel HAPPY? Good… Did you know that the National Institutes of Health recognizes sun exposure as the most important source of vitamin D? In fact, just 15-20 minutes of sun exposure 2-3 days a week will enhance your natural immune power response to infectious and chronic health issues like that! Some […]