Payroll Fraud Detection and Prevention with QuickBooks Hosting

Being an entrepreneur and running a company is a strenuous task, that too if everything goes well. You need to be prepared for every possible situation that may arise and put your quick decision making skills to the test. All business owners are afraid of discovering fraudulent activity, especially discovering that a trusted employee is cheating them. But your money […]

Creating Wealth and Prosperity Trading Penny Stocks

The Love of Money is the Root of all Evil, yes or no? This is an old adage that has been thrown at others for countless years. What is most important is to think that financial freedom is NOT love for real money itself. Why? Freedom over wealth and prosperity is about seeing cash as a tool to live your […]

Trademark Registration and Barney Fife: Nip it in the bud!

I’m sure I’m getting old here, but if you ever watched that old Andy Griffith show, Deputy Barney Fife’s frequent advice to Sheriff Andy Taylor, for any challenge or tragedy Andy or Mayberry might face during that particular 30 minute episode . was “Nip it, nip it in the bud!” Very good advice, especially when it comes to trademarks. Nipping […]

How to earn money and be richer every day

There are countless ways to earn money. It all starts with your motivation to be creative and determined to seek success. The richest businessmen in the world started with an idea that occurred to them and they decided to pursue their goals. You have heard of the various forums where they have been invited to give inspirational speeches. The bottom […]

Alternatives to venture capital to raise growth capital

Venture Capital is a specific term that refers to funding obtained from a venture capitalist. These are professional serial investors and can be individuals or part of a company. Oftentimes, venture capitalists have a niche based on the type of business, size, or stage of growth. They are likely to see many proposals in front of them (sometimes hundreds a […]

3 Key Benefits of Having a Website for Your Small Business

There are quite a few benefits why small business owners need a professional website built for them. In most cases, investing in an effective website will bring in more customers, more traffic, and more business than if you continue to ignore the Internet as a marketing tool. Benefit 1: Your website improves your social networks Some small business owners are […]

Can someone make $100,000 a year with their own landscaping business?

I have been in this business for over seven years. I saw it when I was little and I have seen it grow exponentially! According to various sources, the landscaping industry has had an incredible 1000% increase in growth over the past 10 years! In addition, residential homeowners and business and professional business owners spend over a billion dollars each […]

How to lose 40 pounds in 75 days

I never expected to lose so much in such a short time. It was crazy unexpected, so I decided to get checked out to make sure everything was okay. And I’m glad to be A-Ok. The doctor said it’s not very ideal to lose so much in such a short time, but what I did, overall, was healthy. He only […]