Artichoke (artichoke), African mango or bitter orange: which is better for weight loss?

There has been a growing demand for natural products. People not only want their food to be made with all-natural ingredients, they also want natural ingredients in their skincare and dietary supplements. There have been many weight loss supplements that are based on natural ingredients, but there are quite a few out there, so questions naturally arise. Do they really […]

2 major mistakes in fat loss

To tone your muscles you must train with light weights and high repetitions. First of all, let’s clarify the tone of the word. Toning is nothing more than lowering your body fat percentage. The word was invented as a marketing word to convince women to go to gyms. Your muscles only have the ability to shrink or grow. As a […]

Editing your Windows registry

Before modifying any settings in the Windows Registry, it is strongly recommended to make a backup copy. You can backup as follows: Copy System.dat and User.dat or export a single part of the Registry using REGDIT. Backup of the entire registry can be done this way. Create a backup by exporting a part of the registry 1. Go to START […]

Is the Keto Diet Right for You?

Are you interested in losing weight? Tired of low-fat or no-fat diets and craving your high-fat meats? You may be considering going keto, the new kid on the block. Endorsed by many celebrities, including Halle Berry, LeBron James, and Kim Kardashian, among others, the ketogenic diet has been the subject of much debate among dietitians and doctors. Wondering if the […]

Protein needs: men versus women

It is the same old war going on to end all wars. Are the men and women really so different? Genetically we are different. We have different hormones and we mature at different rates. Our brains process information differently, and studies suggest that we even communicate in totally different ways. But when it comes to nutrition, are men and women […]

Heal your emotions with food

These foods can help you regulate your mood naturally. Sadness and grievance: Look for cauliflower, turnip greens, and asparagus. These foods resonate with the immune system, lungs, and large intestine organs that in the Chinese medicine system are associated with the processing of emotional grievances. Asparagus naturally supports healthy bronchial tissues to open up your lungs when pain makes you […]