What can you do to reduce your corporate taxes?

President Donald Trump signed a tax reform bill, giving corporate America a major tax cut along with a package of temporary cuts for other businesses and most people. The bill cuts the corporate tax rate to 21 percent from 35 percent and cuts individual tax rates across the board. So if your corporation has net profit, your tax rate as […]

cheapest transcription services

For every business to be successful, it is important to make the right decisions. Proper decision making is the result of proper and factual presentation of data/information. That is why it is really important for a company to keep an accurate record of its communications, and for this, a company often relies on different ways of taking notes. Taking notes […]

Call work whatever you want, just keep cold calling!

It’s not unusual to contact a company and ask a sales manager, “Do you do cold calling there?” and making the person answer a resounding “No”, when that is exactly what he and his minions are doing. They call it something else, in part because cold calling sounds too cold for their tastes, or seems too scary to job applicants. […]

Do Bail Bond Agents Carry Guns?

As reality TV has made its way into American homes, shows like National Geographic’s “Pet dog the Bounty Seeker” and “Bounty Hunter” have filled living rooms with tough-as-nails characters, vibrant stories and scenes. of breaking down doors and taking fugitives. Pet the Bounty Seeker has actually become a household name. However, while these shows produce good entertainment, they hardly reveal […]

The top 5 regrets of the dying influencer

You’ve probably heard of the top five regrets of the dying. It’s an impressive list that was put together by Australian palliative care nurse Bronnie Ware in her book of the same name. She conducted research on patients in hospitals to identify their regrets. The five regrets are: I wish I had the courage to live a life true to […]

Must See Resources for Maryland Small Business Law Issues

As any business owner can tell you, there are a wide variety of potential small business legal problems you may run into, starting from the start of the business and continuing virtually every day from there. However, the good news is that there is a lot of free information available online to help you fix the problem. Here you will […]

Key qualities and skills a good career counselor should have

Today, many young people still have a hard time deciding which career path to pursue. They usually have a problem with this because their interests and skills don’t match. Either the teen’s parents or whoever will be financially supporting his college education wants him to take a course that, unfortunately, he doesn’t like or isn’t interested in. In such cases, […]