Birthday Party Essentials – Birthday Party Planning

Whenever one hears about a birthday party, so many things come to mind such as balloons, chocolates, candles… The idea of ​​organizing a birthday party generates a lot of anxiety in parents, since there are many things to consider. Proper party planning helps make it a success. Here we are going to discuss the essential elements of a birthday function. […]

Grandma buys toys for Christmas 2009

Toys have always been a love of mine. When I was a child I was excited by the mystery and surprise of receiving a new toy. Later, with my own children, I was able to revisit the world of toys. I even considered having a toy store. Once again, Christmas is almost upon us and many of us are combing […]

Gadget addiction: how to fight the new threat!

At Gurukul The School, under the leadership of the educator, Mr. Gaurav Bedi, we are committed to creating a healthy environment around children, which will enable them to learn creatively and develop holistically. As children are connected to a variety of devices like TVs, tablets, social media, video games and smartphones etc., this can surely be called ‘Device Addiction’. Adverse […]

Healthy Weight Loss – Lose Weight Naturally

It seems everyone is searching for that magic bullet: the quick weight loss secret that will shed excess weight instantly and turn you into a supermodel. The fact is, there are healthy, effective, and simple techniques you can use to achieve weight loss and keep it off in the long run. Losing weight can be a frustrating and sometimes depressing […]

The 5 most common health problems of the elderly

Getting older is inevitable, but a healthy lifestyle can ensure that you make the most of your golden days. It is rightly said that what you do in your 20s affects your 50s, therefore you need to take deliberate steps towards a healthy lifestyle. However, by knowing the potential chronic diseases that strike during the golden years, you can consciously […]

constipation in children

Constipation usually means difficulty passing stool; decreased frequency in opening the intestines or passing hard, dry stools. Constipation is a common childhood problem. Signs that a child may have constipation include: bread and effort when going to the bathroom. A hard stool can tear the lining of the anus, causing more pain and bleeding. diarrhea or dirt. When the intestine […]