In this article, we would like to look at the different advantages of granite monuments and tombstones and headstones, but before we go any further, we would like to take the time to point out an issue in the title of this article that has led to some confusion in last. Headstones and memorials are not interchangeable terms, although you will occasionally see them used as such. A headstone is a type of memorial, but a memorial does not necessarily mean half a headstone. When talking about stone monuments, headstones are admittedly one of the most common types of monuments, but there are many others that people opt for. Full memorials are not uncommon for the most opulent and flashy departed, while curved memorials without headstones have also been in vogue on occasion. So while headstones are memorials, they are just a single type of memorial.

Now that we’ve cleared that up, we can continue to discuss the advantages of each type of stone when creating a monument (headstone or otherwise). We will start with granite as it is considered a much more traditional material in much of the UK.

Granite has been popular for centuries due to its dark coloration, durability, and availability. It is certainly not a rare or expensive stone, but it still has weight and strength behind it. It can be difficult for carving or inscription tools, but it is also more difficult to make mistakes due to its density. What this all means is that it resists fading from things like fallen leaves, while also being able to withstand the weather for much longer than softer stones. However, it also means that the monument’s designs cannot be as intricate or detailed. Even lettering can be tricky, and to keep the cost of carving down, it may be best to opt for raised lettering. However, this means that the monument lasts longer without requiring as much maintenance. The range of colors available is also much wider than it used to be due to polishing techniques and the variety of granites that can be found.

Marble differs from granite mainly in its smoothness. It is less dense and therefore easier to carve, meaning more detailed and intricate designs are possible. However, it also means that stone discolors more easily, meaning marble monuments under trees can end up looking mottled after a few autumns. There are also more color options available with marble than granite, including much lighter colors.

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