What are plyometrics?

Plyometric exercises are used to exert maximum force on the muscles in short intervals of time.

The goal is to increase both speed and power. The best way to describe the combination of speed and power is to call it “burst.”

When I think of an explosion, I think of something that happens fast and is strong and powerful. Explosions are nothing to play around with and when you experience an explosion you can’t help but stare in awe.

So if you want to increase your vertical jump, you need to become more explosive. When you jump, people should be amazed at how quickly and forcefully you lift yourself off the ground.

Exercises like regular squats, lunges, push-ups, and sit-ups are great bodyweight exercises, but they’re not the most effective exercises for building fast-twitch, reactive muscle fibers.

Plyometrics, on the other hand, can literally be used to turn you into a freak of nature.

Why should you use plyometric exercises?

Plyometric training is beneficial for any athlete who wants to be more athletic and/or explosive.

If you’re willing to commit to doing plyometrics on a consistent basis, you can literally transform yourself from your average Joe to an athletic fanatic.

Plyometric workouts can work for anyone. It doesn’t matter if you’re the guy who can’t jump for his life or the guy who has a natural God-given athleticism; You will benefit from plyometric exercises.

At one point, people thought athletics was something you were born with or didn’t have. Fortunately, that is not true. Athletics can be developed. You can increase your vertical jump and become a great athlete as long as you are willing to consistently and persistently do the necessary exercises.

What are some effective plyometric exercises?

Some of the most effective plyometrics are jump squats, tuck jumps, depth jumps, and single-leg max jumps.

There are many plyometric exercises to choose from, but you just need to focus on using a few and then you can add others once your body gets used to the same exercises.

How to use plyometrics to increase your vertical?

If you really want to increase your vertical jump, you should already know that you need to incorporate plyometrics into your workouts.

To get the most out of your plyometrics, you need to combine plyometrics with strength training. You want to build your muscles with strength training, and then train your muscles to be fast and reactive with plyometrics.

Once you combine the two, you have a winning formula for increasing your vertical jump.

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