The zodiac month ahead Separate yourself from doubt

What we can all expect from the forecast of our planetary skies, from August 23 to September 23.

Making the most of our cycle in Virgo

Our summer of 2015 certainly projected itself in requested relaxation tones due to the fair reflection that Venus retrograde demanded in Leo. Now is the time to get back to routines and realign what we can refine as purity reigns in the richest harvest of the year.

Virgos may be inclined to take their purification needs to the extreme, as free will chooses to be fussy, doubtful, and worry about anything. Especially at this time, Virgo energy is accused of having “OCD” more than any other sign. Virgo must remember that their scrutiny skills are always necessary to correct the natural mistakes humans make, but living from the space of doubt makes them an unhappy soul. As we can spell the truth from DOUBT, the best thing is – and politely as Virgos always prefer – to tell him to please DO BUT OUT BUD.

The planet in charge of Virgo is Mercury, who is the Messenger of all our communications, movements, and changes within the Zodiac as it travels through its “mercury” cycles. Equally honoring any given sign for about two weeks (with the exception of its retrograde cycles), this planet also determines how our thinking and mindset will flow, why we tend to enjoy or resist change, and ultimately how we will allow our minds to play. tricks for us if we are not in charge of them. Known as a bondage sign of the zodiac, Virgo energy is so wonderful to experience as long as the hygiene they practice develops a soul that serves in wisdom, far from doubt and ego-based energy.

Where do you want your sun sign to break away from doubt?

ARIES: Habits / Routines / Health where I serve

TAURUS: Creativity / Children / Love affairs where I believe

GEMINI: Home / Family / Environments where I grew up

CANCER: Thought / mindsets where I communicate

LION: Gain power / values ​​with what I have

VIRGO: Approaches / First impressions with who I am

POUND: Inner work / subconscious study where process

SCORPION: Hopes / Dreams / Wishes where I socialize

SAGITTARIUS: Career / Public life where I am structured

CAPRICORN: Higher Education / Travel / Growing Where I Believe

AQUARIUM: Regeneration / Change where I transform

PISCES: Associations where I interact

Remember that your weekly #Empowerscopes on Empower Radio guides you through each week of our Sun time in Virgo. Tune in to hear where to plant a personal approach to success and greater results, as well as logging in with valuable time are all tips that astrology always advises.

The sun enters Virgo on August 23

Shine the light by letting go of doubt

After our reflective hearts were asked to help heal the earth during Leo, there is precise work to be done to take us further into Virgo. The glory of this sign is always in perfection when it is in the service of others, extending equally to a personal “check and balance” when it comes to the self. Infamous for being the most flawless fault finder, this innate ability is not to be used against the soul in these detailed quests for perfection. A Virgo soul must be continually reminded that perfection is simply a journey and never a destination, which is a wonderful mantra to allow anyone to break away from the negative cycle of doubt.

As we all collectively live the time of our Sun within the innocence of the Virgin, asking ourselves “why” regarding the new that flows through this area of ​​life is wise, but it must be accompanied by a dedication that only wishes to be of Service. Recognizing what we must clean within our soul both inside and outside where the Virgin lives in our Zodiac cakes allows us to cultivate the breadth of vision, imagination and optimism that we need to never let doubt control our free will.

Mercury enters Libra on August 27, the approach begins on August 28; Retrograde Sep 17

Where communications become fair and considerate for your review

Our Messenger planet reaches the middle of aligning peace of mind in Libra under its Approach to the last Mercury retrograde (MRx) from September 17 to October 9, 2015. Continuing its review and realignment tour on the subject of signs of intellectual air, has regressed throughout the year: Aquarius in January and February; Gemini in May and June: now ask for a cycle of reflection within the scales. Comparative, precision-seeking and persuasive mindsets and methods of expression will be alive and well as our Mercury “Trickster” phase pursues. Until the retrograde begins on September 17, it’s prep time and a preview of the upcoming retrograde attractions for what the actual cycle will ask all of us to review and redo. Our life and energy within Libra need this waiting time to reconnect with what may be out of sync so that it can balance properly. MRx approaches are sometimes just as disturbing as the actual retrograde passage itself, depending on our mindfulness. The key to navigating here is to avoid unbalanced and superficial mindsets, and to be acutely aware of the call to slow down in order to honor reflection, always yielding to changes that arise.

Libra’s natural communication energy lacks speed, decisiveness, and application, so being patient with this area of ​​our lives is excellent practice during the Mercury rejuvenation and recharge session. After going direct on October 9, Mercury returns to the forward movement at The Scales and will not enter Scorpio until November 2.

Venus goes straight into Leo September 6

Where harmony and understanding return to purity and pleasure

At least before Mercury requests our reflection, Venus will have returned to direct motion in Leo. While his Shadow will prevail throughout the passage of MRx until October 8, his rebalancing of what needed adjustment within Leo will find himself in proper flux again. Affections that may not have been available to feel sincere, faithful, or inspiring will feel that the heart once again has ownership of what the head might have logically been overlooking.

Whatever the retrograde passage that began on July 25 asked us to reconsider from where El León reigns in our personal life, now it finds happier tones to feel generosity and nobility to develop ourselves in the appropriate way. With Mars still in Leo until September 24, motivation is an undeniable force in this segment of life under the time of our Sun in Virgo. We have a more pleasant conversation that will occur between Venus and Uranus retrograde in Aries around September 23rd. This will put in place the last pieces of the puzzle that began to assemble in late June and early July, which creatively called on all of us to create our now and own our truth, where both Aries and Leo bring spirit and stimulation to our. it lives.

Saturn enters Sagittarius on September 13

Where your patience and responsibility is required

While the average astrologer may choose to raise all hands to utter restraint and difficulty each time Saturn enters a new sign, it is wise that we first understand the actual gifts this planet can bestow upon us. Saturn was already in Sagittarius from December 23, 2014 to June 14, 2015 before plunging back into Scorpio in retrograde. Now, since August 2, archers around the world are about to have the planet of ambition, work, discipline, responsibility, and earned rewards visit until December 19, 2017.

No matter what sign you are, you have the current transit of Saturn in Sagittarius calling an area of ​​your life. The request here is to look carefully and closely examine where The Archer is pointing the truth in his life during this period. Similarly, determination seeks to cultivate hope and charity wherever Sagittarius energy is abundant in our personal lives. Having patience is a virtue that you will need to learn from all the experiences that lie ahead in the Sagittarius forecast to allow more stability to develop. Life seemingly slows down in this segment of life so that you can find the time to grow, enjoy yourself, and recognize the rewards you will receive through diligent effort. Resist honoring Saturn’s need to be more gentle, mindful, and balanced within Sagittarius, and that reputation you have as the “Karmic Adjuster” will be heard as a disciplinary parent saying, “I told you so.”

Collectively, there is an effort to develop inspiration, philosophical interests, as well as any type of religious or higher education to expand our sense of spirituality as Saturn transits within The Archer. While the drive for independence will be strong, the challenge will be honoring the restraint that comes from practicing a more mindful and unhurried pace, allowing these learning processes to shape us and become our teachers. It will be interesting to observe what unfolds within the religious and spiritual communities of the world during this passage. Saturn in Sagittarius is motivated by the fear of restriction, which must be combated by presenting intellectual, truth-seeking and divine achievements in your cycle, so distinction is the bottom line. With patience, the Sagittarius energy will flourish when accompanied by honor and truth for the next two years.

As we recognize that doubt is the only thing that stands in our way to create our now, as Virgo calls to cleanse our soul from the roots of fear, that we separate from it and discover that we are purified and that we are already perfect as need. our trip.

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