There is no doubt that Taoboa is one of the best online shopping sites in the world. The good side is that you can find almost anything. Of great importance are some strange products and services that you can find on the site. If you’re wondering what some of these strange products and services are, here they are:

QQ instant messaging

QQ is the largest instant messaging service in China. The service has a special offer for iOS users where it generates a special message that says “sent from QQ from iPhone”. This happens every time you message someone.

IOS devices are symbols of personal wealth and when someone sees that you are sending a message from an iPhone or iPad, they have deep respect for you.

To purchase the service, you only need to contact a provider that sells the service. The provider will collect your QQ account and password, log into your account, and create messages for you. When the provider sends messages to your friends, your friends will see that you are using an iPhone.

The good side of this service is that it is cheap. This is because you only need to pay a monthly fee of only 5 kuai.

Remnants of international trade

Since China is the world factory, many brands contact Chinese manufacturers to produce their products. When brands place an order, they typically allocate more raw materials than necessary.

This is to fix any bugs. If the additional materials are not used to produce the ordered goods, they are used to produce goods that end up on Taobao.

Although these items tend to have minor flaws, they are of high quality and inexpensive. Some of the international leftovers you can find at low prices are computers, phones, and plastic products.

International purchasing agents

Some gadgets, toys, books, and movies face harsh import laws, so they tend to be expensive to buy in China, and many people prefer to buy from international sellers as a result.

The problem is that many Chinese do not have credit cards, and this is where international purchasing agents come in. Here the buyers send the money to the agents and buy the products on behalf of the buyers for a small commission.

These are some of the strange products and services that you can buy on Taobao. To avoid being scammed, always buy from a reputable seller.

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