What is the art of making love really?

Normally, it is seen that some couples are hesitant to talk about their physical experience together. Because? This is because they are not sexually satisfied with each other or lack the emotional bond. Are they ashamed of their relationship?

I mean, how could a couple be emotionally close when there is no physical intimacy? But talking about this is not the solution, you have to face it. They just can’t stay physically apart from each other for very long, when they stay together. So for this, they must learn the art of lovemaking in order to stay close to each other forever.

The most important thing to know is that men and women see the same thing from different angles. And here lies the problem. Men take lovemaking simply as a sexual performance, that is, about female orgasms or multiple orgasms. They do not consider the emotional aspect of the physical act. Where women emphasize the atmosphere and the emotions involved in it.

To conclude, equal importance should be given to both aspects. Neither sexual satisfaction nor emotional satisfaction should be ignored. Actually, the fact is that women are more sensitive and emotional by nature, while men are sometimes carefree and practical or materialistic in comparison. Men cannot stand the minuteness with which women view every situation. What a man wants to make love: a woman, a bed and some need love too. But a woman needs more than this: she needs a clean environment, calming colors, music, freshness around her and from within, she wants to be hugged, kissed, touched and an emotional connection with her man. Oh Lord! such a long list.

And you can’t escape a single factor, poor man! You need sex, and for that you need a woman, so to make love you need to have everything a woman wants!!!

No, no, don’t be angry! I’m here to help you with the do’s and don’ts of lovemaking.

advice for you : No matter how sexy you are or your partner in bed, what matters most is the right atmosphere that has that spark to light the fire in you! And this burning desire to have each other is the key to hotter sex!

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