Although the most common place for a yeast infection is the vagina, it can also appear on areas of the skin, particularly those where there are folds and where there is a lot of moisture. For example, in the armpit, in skin folds, in the groin area, or between the toes. The reason this is so is due to the small numbers of Candida Albicans organisms normally present, which can proliferate when the natural balance of bacteria on the skin is disturbed.

Candidiasis of the skin folds is called intertrigo. If there is a rash with a scale-like pattern on the edge, it is likely Itertrigo. Babies can develop Candida diaper rash, which can appear as a red rash but also present as fluid-filled pustules. There are creams to prevent the spread of this type of diaper rash, which usually work well. To prevent this type of recurring diaper rash, applying a little petroleum jelly to the area after bathing the baby will help.

People who work in humid environments often get yeast infections between their fingers. The name for this is Erosio Interdigitalsis Blastomycetica. There is a smoothness on the skin, which develops on the web of the fingers and they turn red. It is more likely to happen to people with diabetes. Swelling and a watery discharge on the skin around the nails can also be a sign of a fungal infection in that area.

Treatment of candidiasis of the skin is usually unproblematic and quick. Take care to be gentle on the area when washing and use only mild soap. Do not apply any chemicals that irritate the rash and do not scratch it. It is better to avoid tight clothing to keep the infected area dry. Apply only an antiperspirant, which does not irritate. The natural calming action of tea tree oil or garlic can help. An acidophilus supplement can help just as well as yogurt with live cultures. For foot infections, wearing sandals can be beneficial, as can changing your socks regularly. Dry area after bathing, pat dry to avoid irritation.

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